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do it yerself, be true to the scene

Last Modified at 5:14pm (PST) on 12.11.00 ** Sign My GuestBook**

NEW [12.11.00] It has been a while since I touched this page, I apologize. I
have been busy with and school. However, christmas break is
coming (YAY!) and I will be able to keep a better tab on D.I.Y. you dork.

[12.11.00] A message board, YAY. Now who doesn't love to watch all you buggers
fight over different issues? And who can't resist inssulting others with
obnoxious and foul language? Well, all you buttwads can post your crap on my
message board. Remember, a message board is never any fun wihout some
goold 'ole saracasm. So have fun. Click NOW!

I purchased a domain name... come check out the fun!

hey punk, i am piña colada a.k.a. jane the dork.
have many beliefs and opinions
you must be here to read some of them
be warned, you might not agree!!
and if you do, or even if you dont, EMAIL ME!
if you are a nazi, satanist, or meany; click here

are you sick?
just sick of the web sites out there that are crappy?
i am
i am sick of seeing whining, complaining, and rhetoric
isnt this funny?
i am complaining about seeing complaining.
what an oxymoron
maybe i am an oxymoron
many times i do this
you probably do to
welcome to the human contradition
but why??
i am not quite sure... but i am not here to do a discertation on this subject

what am i here for?
to inform you of my opinions
this probably wont make you a better or worse person
you will just be informed, possibly enlightened

yes, maybe i will complain a little
heck, i have the right to complain
and maybe i will even cause someone else to complain about me complaing

we have made full circle
so, who am i?
who are you?
i stand for many things...
i do not believe i can be pigeonholed, you propbably cant eiher
stereotypes are destructive.
they make people things they arent
judgment is stupid and ignorant.
so, that is why i am here. to show you there are others out there
others that dont always agree with you.
others that are beautiful, smart, witty or anything you could possibly imagine
who am i should be, what am i
you want the basics? here we go

my name is jane. my age is irrelevant, however i am 16 (and a half)
i love old skool punk, Oi!, classical, hardcore, and deep house music.
i dress like an old skool punk, but i hate being considered one.
i merely dress "punk" to state my opinions.
it is part glam and part opinion.
i make a statment by how i dress
some people tell me "you are stupid, your not even punk"
well, maybe i am not punk. maybe i am something else
something else would be __________.
you fill in the blank. be the one to judge

i personally consider myself D.I.Y.
i do it myself. i dress my own way. believe my own way
i am my own person
i dont need to be dictated to
i dress my own way because my comfort is more imporatant than if i look good or sexy to the opposite sex.
i believe in God because of opinions and beliefs i have aquired
not because i went to church and was completely convinced
i stive to live my life in the right way.
maybe i do get dictated to... but not by you
he is my truth. he is THE truth
maybe this is rhetoric to you
maybe this sounds like you
maybe this sounds crazy
i dont care

my life will not stop if you disagree with me
i love feedback, but it doesnt fuel me
i am not gonna change for you
the only person i will change for is God
he changes my heart

did i make an impact?
probably not
you will live your life your way
you will probably forget me and my crazy beliefs
hopefully you have understanding
and understanding does not equal acceptance.
it is tolerance i preach
tolerance goes hand in hand with love
and tolerance cannot also be equated to acceptance
i tolerate an athiest's beliefs in love.
however, i pray that he/she would change thier beliefs
i do not hate
hate is disgusting
once you feel hate, you have been scarred
anyways, that is another subject, for another day

may your mind be open
whether you are christian or buddhist
question what you believe
trust me, it will strenghten you in the end
you will be stronger and more sure of yourself once you have been tested
never have 100% blind hope...
hope and faith are not bad
i have them, but i also have logic
however, logic cannot explain everything either...
so, question what you believe
and you will find THE TRUTH

i am very political, go ahead and visit my politics page [UPdated may 27th]
email me:

controversial subject of the year - i believe that MxPx has SOLD OUT! read here

62 oldskool punk mp3's added to music area (updated May 10th 2000). click here
new uses for safety pins. i now have about 52.. send me some more!!! (updated May 25th 200) click here
concert info (updated weekly). click here
order some afordable yet heavy duty patches. click here NOW!
my web ring: "do it yerself" click here to join...

send me an email

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