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All about me!!!

Name: Jane Smith [not acctual name]

DOB: October 29th, 1983

Nicknames: piņa colada, doogie houser, chukz, Neany Bird,
greedogirl, demon-spawn (from mom), killer, and some more that i can't remember


Location: Southern California between OC and San Diego

Pets: Osha (doggy), and meow (kitty)

School: California Baptist University. Yes, I am 16 and I AM
in a University. it is possible!! I graduated at age 14 and now i am a sophomore at CBU. if you
dont believe me email me and i'll tell you the whole story!

Friends: ashley k, ashley m, kim, tricia, wendi, devan, elizabeth + michelle, Dan E, Dan W, C.J., booger, skin, derek, derik s, melinda, stephanie m, and the whole JCHC crew + the headnoise/no purchase crew

Religion: I hate sayin' i "have a religion". Religion destroys - CHRIST SAVES!! I am a Sold-Out Beliver in Jesus Christ, My Lord and Saviour

Fave Color: Sky Blue and Combat Green

Fave Foods: I love FRUIT!!!! Macaroni, turkey, crab legs, most veggies, chicken,
and anything healthy or tastes good

What i Do Not eat: Pork, Hot Dogs [i HATE hotdogs!!] bacon, ham, and Celery.

Fave Drinks: V8 Juice!!! that stuff rawks!! i also like water, cactus cooler, and COKE!!!!

Fave Movies: girl interupted, PI, dark city, the matrix, wizard of oz, Austin Powars (yeah baby!), Monty Python, Life is Beautiful, Ferris Buelers Day Off, Ms Doubtfire.

Fave Actor: i try to boycot "movie stars" cuz it puts people on a pedastal.
besides most actors in hollywood are Anti-Christianity and pro everything that is wrong... however, i do "appriciate" some actors/actresses such as wynona rider, whopi goldberg, demi morre, and richard dryfus (i cant spell any of their names, sorry!)

Fave Comediens: Cheri O'teri, Tim Meadows, Robin Willians, Mike Myers, Molly Shannon,
Ana Gastyer, Nicole Sulivan, Will Sasso... Just basically EVERYONE on SNL and MadTV... hey, what ever happened to Stephanie Miller??

Fave Songs: "the sky is falling" by Headnoise and "Dead to the World" by Officer Negative also, "Dan the German" by the fraidy cats

Music Style: old skool punk - very few new school bands, a little Hardcore, Techno, Classical
I can't stand country music, gansta rap, or Marilyn Manson

Fave Punk bands: Undefiled, Officer Negative, Headnoise, 90lb wuss, One-21, caustic eminence, the backups, charlie cargo
kapsized, empty tomb, tekla nos, liberation front, underdog conspiracy, GBH, anti-nowhere league, subhumans,
the crucified, the discarded, the deal, the caffiends, no purchase nessesary, morrally accused, skunk (she rules!!!),
spudgun (rip), thee pirates, lugnut, Speedy Delivery, Kid Tested, Fraidy Cats, one bad pig,
Outer Circle, Dogwood, CrashDog (rip), the deadlines, Ghoti Hook, Halo Friendlies, atom smashers named suzie

Fave Hardcore Bands: pink daffodils (best chick hc band in the world), N.I.V., POD, Blindside, 44 evergiven, Project 86, zao, born blind, overcome, throwdown, dodgin' bullets, torn in two, engraved, point of recognition (the 2rd best hc band in the world), stretch armstrong, society finest

Fave Ska bands: FIF, Big Dog Small Fence, Dingees

Ska VS. Punk: Punk Rawk baby!

How many patches do i have? i have like 300!

Athletics: snowboard, skateboard, practise karate, wrestle w/my bro, lift weights (not just fer guys!!),
and anything that is fun and keeps me in shape!

Activities: Our Zine, Concerts, Reading, werking on this web page, surfing the net,
chillin' with my rad friends, listen' to music, praying

J.C.H.C.??: stands for Jesus Christ Hard Core

10 fave things in the WHOLE world: (1)Jesus!! (2)Safety Pins! (3)headnoise (4)maccaroni! (5)Punk
(6)COKE! i love any caffine... hehh heh! (7)Concerts (8)Patches!! (9)reading zines (10)making my zine

yours truly,
--- piņa (aka jane da dork) ---
