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sould out for fame??

WARNING!!! what you are about to read is very opinionated.
you may be offended because i believe differently than you, but you
always have the choice to leave this page and never return. you have been warned!

thesis: MxPx (and a few other "christian bands") have sold
out for fame and sometimes money, while leaving the message of Christ in the dust

my thesis says it plain and simple. that is my opinion and you
have two choices. you can either #1: disregard everything i say
and proceed to send me a nasty email or #2: you can read why i
feel this way and send me a polite email either agreeing or
disagreeing. its your choice. choice #2 requires thought and an
objective mind. on to the issues

now, dont think of me as a "basher." a basher is someone who uses
the net to bash certain people but in real life they never speak
up. i am completly opposite. i have stood up countless times
against MxPx (and other band) followers. this is not an easy thing
to do. on my personal page (the one all about me) i have stated
why i dont like MxPx. from those statments alone, i have made
numerous enemies (with nasty emails to proveit). i am not doing
this for fun. i dont like being subjected to being yelled at in
person or within an email. i think christians need to wake up to
this reality of sell outs. and i am hear to let this be known!

why do i think MxPx is a sell out band?

first of all, i have been to MxPx concerts and i used to be a big
fan of them UNTIL, i started to see this decline in their music.
to paraphrase an article i read about MxPx, misteriously, the
spiritual content was toned down with the onslaught of the bands
popularity among secular (and christian) youth...

many people email me complaining to me that "MxPx is really a
christian band" and that "they really love the lord" and so on...
but my response may seem wierd. I think it is great that Mike, Tom
and Yuri love the Lord. heck, that is awesome. my only beef is:
what is thier goal as a band?

now maybe you are right to say that it isn't my place to judge or
say. but i still have an opinion. i dont see MxPx as a "ministry
band." which means, a band that wants to reach others with the
gospel of Jesus Christ. most of thier music is about girls, school
and skateboarding. hey, that is great if they wanna sing about
those subjects, but it seems kinda shallow. if the members of MxPx
truly love jesus with all thier hearts (and i believe they do)
then they should have a yearning to reach others for christ. i
dunno about you, but it makes sense to me...

maybe you think i am a fool who is just spouting off stupid rumors
or whatever. but, hey this is America and i have the freedom to
believe what i believe. I am gonna acctually email MxPx myself.
that way i woun't be spreading anything hurtful about MxPx. I am
willing to find out the truth fro the source and i will update
y'all when i do.

thanx for reading and putting up with my insane antics. email me
any replys or crap.
truly, jane the dork
