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Freedom of Choice?


Freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
Freedom of assembly, freedom of gun.
Freedom to vote, freedom not to vote,
Freedom to write the president a note.
Freedom to sell, freedom to buy,
Freedom your favorite flag to fly.
Freedom to whom your money to give,
Freedom? -what about freedom to live?
Freedom of choice, the act of death,
Freedom to take a babys' breath!
Freedom to kill those who can't talk,
Freedom to murder before they walk.
Freedom to destroy, what they call a blob,
Freedom? The Master hears their tender sob.
Freedom- yes- I am for freedom for all,
Freedom especially for babies so small.
Freedom, freedom, yes freedom for everyone,
Freedom to live, each baby; daughter or son.

Copyright 1993 Norman Fikes All rights
Reserved This work may be used in any
manner peacefully if used to fight the
murder (abortion) of unborn children.
Personal profit is prohibited.
I do retain uninhibited rights
