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♥ politics shmolitics ♥

so, what do you believe in punk? well, i will tell ya something, i believe in a lot.
i am gonna come straight at ya with what i think in my screwed up head. these are MY
opinions so dont think i am forcing 'em on ya cuz i'm not. you came here by your choice, RIGHT?!?!?

let me start off my saying, DON'T GET ON ME ABOUT PUNCTUATION OR SPELLING! listen man, i
cant type very well, a'ight, so, while i am trying to type fast i end up misspelling things, placing letters when they dont belong and other crazy shtuff
but i dont have the time (or patiance) to proof read. you may be thinking, "well isn't this chick
in college, blah, blah, blah..." yes i am in college but i dont like having to worry about my spelling
on this crappy page.

s'alright? s'alright!

ok, on to the juicy stuff...

i beleive in freedom of speech. that is for all people, including people who i
personally disagree with for instance, abortion activists, homosexuals, satanist, ect..
if people have opinions, let them be heard. as long as they dont force it down my
throat, i dont care. you see, i dont force my beliefs on others and i think it
werks out evenly. and even if it doesnt work out fairly, i understand that i
kept up my end of the bargin.

| Government |
why do we have government ment in the first place?
i once heard a lyric from a song, "the is no government like no gorvernment!"
i would have to agree...
there are many different theories about the purpose of governement and why we do/dont need it
here is mine█
let me start off by saying i believe we could survive perfectly well without any government at all
america started with minimal government intersecion, the way it should be
however, power hungry politicians have taken advantage of the system we have
and have exploited everyone and there grandma Bertha along the way.
i love the quote, "power currupts, absolute power currupts absolutly"
very true
i am not here to say "down with the f***ing gov't"
(although that would be nice)
i am here to say that we need to challenge the gov't in the areas where we are
being exploited... taxes, unnessecary laws, regulations, etc...
get involved in politics
dont just raise mischief without even knowing what the branches of the gov't
are or who your senator is
educate yourselves
our generation needs to show the big gov't who the real boss is
let's show them we are sick of being pushed round and treated as if we are
ignorant peons [and many of us are]
we are the chaos that they keep in check with their paper back laws
they have pulled the wool over our eyes long enough
what makes the government officials so much better than us?
why do they get exempt [secretly that is] from the majority of laws?
why should we pay taxes 9 months of the year until we get our WHOLE paycheck?
why should we pay many times over 13% taxes on gas prices that keep getting higher?
who is to stop us?
think about this... if citizens from three major cities in california - Los
Angeles, San Deigo, and Sanfransco stopped paying taxes, think of the upheaval!!!
there would be no possible way to incarcerate these so-called criminals...
that is because our prisons and jails are already over capacitated...
just think of what could be accomplished...
with that sort of revolution we could change thinks.
but, back to reality...
it sounds wonderful, doesnt it. to change this dead system of ours.
but maybe my pessimistic side of me is coming out, but i have the feeling and
i just know, that a revolution will never come.
americans would judge the risk and decide not to take it because it would make us all
a little more vunerable...
and americans dont like vunerability...
oh well,we will die from our own ignorance and the bliss it gave us
just remember, its supposed to be "by the people, and for the people"

.... moving on...

abortion and homosexuality.... i bet i caught your eyes with those words. those
two words have caused a lot of troubles in society. i believe that both are wrong

abortion = murder

there you go, plain and simple. it says in the bible, "thou sahll not murder"
i have argued this issue many times and just recently confronted the issue of
the "an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth" theory. i can blow that theory
very eaisly. but first, i will explain the theory. it goes like this, (this is a
word for word converstaion i had with someone):

DUDE: "the bible has so many contradictions in it"

ME: "oh really? could you please inform me of these contradictions"

DUDE: "well, in the bible it says and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
but then it says you should not murder, there is a contradiction right there"

ME: "ahhh, then oldest fallecy around, yes it does say an eye for an eye...
but, does it ever say a soul for a soul which would equal murder?"

DUDE: "ummmm, hmmm... uhhh..."

ME: "that's exactly what i thought!"

now, i know that is not the most fool proof answer on my part, but
you gotta admit, it is pretty darn clever ain't it? (don't i sound like a hick??)

however, you wanna cut it, the child in the wobm is a human
life begins at concption
and having an abortion is killing this human life.
many times, people want to lead on thatthe abortion is painless...
another lie
babies are slapped after birth to make them cry
why would the baby cry if it didn't feel pain?
babies are humans too, and planned parent hood wants us to think
that they are noghtin but parasites
also, i hate it when i hear "abroion is wrong, except for incest/rape"
what hypocrocsy!!
a child is a human, even if it is a product of human sin
it is not the babies choice to be in that situation, so why kill an innocent being?

if you have a comment about my political views, please feel free to email me your comments
(whether they be hateful or whatever, i welcome them) email me at
