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do it yerself web ring

formally known as "da swank ring"


welcome punx, skankerz, and common folks alike.... my ring is fer folks who want their Christian punk and miscellaneous web sites visited.

1st you must pick a picture you want. click here
you have to download it and put it in your own directory!! then paste the html code
onto your page. make sure to enter the url of the picture! ok if you have any problems email me

The HTML fragment will be EMAILED to you!!! So once, you fill out the form you
will get the HTML fragment from me... It must be put on your site within 2 weeks of
entering the ring. just wait fer the email wit da HTML in it!

The form to register your rad site with the do it yerself ring is below.

join the do it yerself ring:

Site URL: 

Site Title: 



Keywords : 

Enter a short description of your site :

Don't forget, after you enter the above information,
in order to be added to the ring,
you must have the proper HTML code on your page.

The code that will be emailed to you should produce something that looks like this:

« . random . skip . join . »

Do you want to join my web ring now????

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