all patches are screened on canvas material and have stitches edges so that they won't fray and/or fall apart at the edges. The different designs are listed below, along with images to shows you the different patch designs available with each patch's price, color options, size, etc. listed as well. Patch prices are the same worldwide AS LONG AS YOU ARE ORDEIRNG OTHER STUFF (records, tapes, cd's etc.) If you are from outside the U.S. and want to order only patches then please contact us and we'll let you know the different shipping options/how much your order will cost. If you have any questions, design ideas, etc, please feel free to let us know.
Please see the ordering information page before sending off your order!! thanks!

Autonomy - human freedom/animal liberation
patch size: 4" X 4"
available on white fabric with black ink
$.75 each
Contravene - name/logo
patch size: 8.5" X 1.5"
available on black fabric/white ink or white fabric/black ink
$.75 each
Masskontroll - while governments exist peace cannot
patch size: 3.5" X 5"
available on black fabric with white ink
$.75 each
Oi Polloi - no compromise in defense of our earth
patch size: 4.5" X 4.5"
available on white fabric/black ink or black fabric/white ink
$.75 each
Oi Polloi
Sin Dios - solidaridad
patch size: 5" X 4.5"
available on white fabric/black ink or black fabric/white ink
$.75 each
Sin Dios
World Without Lines/El Mundo Sin Fronteras
patch size: 4" X 4"
available on white fabric/black ink or black fabric/white ink
$.75 each
World Without Lines

[Ordering Information]

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