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Unknown Child

B'Elanna heard him, but couldn't speak to tell him she'd be fine. The Doctor gently picked her up, feeling partly responsible, since if it wasn't for his messing around with his program, his evil counterpart wouldn't have been able to add Catoline to the tricorder. He carried her to Sickbay talking to her even though he knew she was unable to respond, since she couldn't speak. He placed her on a biobed and got to work. **** Harry sat in his quarters. Wanting to kill himself for what he had done. He started watching the old holovids he had that had B'Elanna in them. Hoping, she'd be her old self again, knowing it would probably never happen. **** B'Elanna woke up in Sickbay, unable to move or speak. She started crying thinking that this proved her worst fear that she would be paralyzed for life. "Oh. You're up."the doctor said. She then saw the Doctor's face above her own. He continued speaking, "You're still highly sedated. I didn't want you to hurt yourself." He gave her a hypospray and she started to try to get up. "Wait a sec. You're still not going anywhere."the Doctor said. She tried to speak but her words were so slurred she doubted he could understand her. "How much longer do I have to stay here?"She heavily slurred. "Another hour. I'll give you another shot to put you to sleep for the remainder of your stay here." She tried to nod her head in consent, but was to tired to pick her head up. **** Later that day, B'Elanna was helped to her quarters. The Doctor had told her that the paralysis wouldn't wear off for another two days, so she was still completely paralyzed. What she didn't was that this was the Doctor's way of making sure there was no way she could go to Engineering or to use the comm to order people to do things. She had no choice but to let people come to see her, because she could do nothing to stop them or to tell them to leave. The only problem was the Harry never came. **** Harry was sitting alone in his room. He thought *I can't go to see her like this. She permanently disabled because of me. They won't tell me what exactly is wrong with her. So it must be that.* **** B'Elanna had just been 'helped' to Sickbay, as in the fact that Paris carried her. "Lieutenant, I'm going to give you a shot which will counteract the paralysis. You will have a slight limp for a few more days, because of your broken ankle, which Harry fixed on the planet." She blinked her eyes to let him know that she understood him. He gave her the shot and she found she could speak, but hardly since it was terribly slurred, and move again, but much like a drunk person. Paris helped her up and as she left, she said, "Thanks, Doc." Paris starting laughing since her speech was so slurred and she decked him. "Everything's back to normal. And I won't hold you responsible for that. It was an accident, wasn't it?" She smiled and nodded her head, then Paris and her left. **** A few hours later, she was extremely bored. She couldn't go on duty until the next morning. She wasn't exactly off duty, but the Captain didn't want her 'accidentally' decking anyone else. She had heard that since the 'accident', Harry hadn't left his quarters. So, she went there. **** She rang the bell. "Come in." Came the hardly recognizable voice of Harry Kim. She limped into the room, and called out, "Harry." Harry was on his bed looking like he hadn't moved for some time. "Harry?"She asked. He looked up, "B'Elanna, is that you?" "Yeah, it's me." "I thought I'd killed you." "Well, I'm alive." "I'm sorry about what happened to you." "It's okay." "No, I mean the other times." "Oh." "I won't let it happen again." With that he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "Harry."B'Elanna said. "Yes." "If you do that again. I'll kill you."B'Elanna said, laughing. "No, you wouldn't" "Well, I'll throw heavy objects." B'Elanna started smiling at him and then laughed at the vacant look in his eyes. "Guess you never read up on Klingon Mating Rituals."She said. The look on his face, was enough to start her laughing again. "Oh, God."He said. "So you do know about Klingon Mating Rituals." "Yes, I do." He said, a look of fear in his eyes. "Let's see how much you know about them." B'Elanna smiled again and Harry knew that he'd be seeing the inside of Sickbay for some time after this. **** THE END
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Note: This was used with Katie's authorization, so don't use it without her permission. I thank you, please visit her page.