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Chase's Awards From Others



I share the love behind these awards with you, my visitors.
Thank you for sharing in my joy of experiencing a little bit of "Heaven."

This is my very FIRST award from a lady I truly love--the Angelic Peggy:

Peggy Award

(\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/) (\ô/)
After Visiting Your Site I Am HAPPY
to Present you with My
~"Peggy's Star Award"~

"I Give My Award To The Sites
That Show Divine Love,
Inspiration, Spirit And That Have
The Touch Of A Shining Star"

You Are A Shining Star...
March To Your Own Different Drummer,
Look To Your Own Shining Star,
Dance To Your Own Happy Music,
Know Just How Special You Are...
Follow The Path You Have Chosen,
Dream Till Your Dream Comes True,
Climb To The Top Of Your Mountain,
Keep On Believing In Yourself...
You Are One Of God's Shining Stars...

~May Your Path Of Life Always Be Filled With
Light, Love, Miracles And Laughter~


Thank You Precious Peggy for being our earthbound Angel and for your Lovely Gift.

These next three awards came from someone who is always touching my heart--the lovely Shanni:

Shanni Award


Shanni Award


Shanni Award

Hello Chase....

I just wanted to share with you, that your turtle story touched my heart also...I love all animals very much...and I can relate very much about an animal being unconditional in love in every way...........When I read your story....I had goose bumps...tears and I had to take this time to thank you for sharing your story.

I would love to send you an award for sharing your homepage with me through AngelWildX email....I have two I would like to send is a butterfly...which I love...representing...born again and another one for touching my heart.


To my Very Precious Sister--Sweet Shanni--I extend my deep appreciation for your love and for your many wonderful, treasured gifts.

This very special award came from a very special Little Angel, Ashley:

Ashley Award

Thank You Lovely Ashley, Little Princess, for your Precious Gift.

This award really touched my heart--it came from such a wonderful little guy--Iziah:

Iziah Award

I proudly display Little Iziah's award with great respect for Him and His Loving Family.

This memorial award is from the site of Precious Heaven's Angel--Katy:

Katy Award

Thank You Angel Katy for the award and for the love that continues to come to us from You and from your website through Endearing Lacy.

This award was given to me by a lovely lady who has touched many hearts with her many websites to help children and others--Wonderful Lacy:

Lacy Award

Thank You Caring Lacy for your award and for helping so many of us.

The following award came from Lovely Lacy because of my Dear Sister Shanni:

Lacy Award

Dear Chase..........

Shanni has nominated you for a special award here it is. You may link it here if you like, so that others may send this award to their friends who are special!! ..... Friends are so wonderful to have, aren't they?


Thank You Shanni and thank You Lacy for your gifts of friendship and love.

This next award came from Precious Alexandria:

Alexandria Award

Alexandria also sent me a lovely note in which she stated that this is a love award and that no link was required. Needless to say LOVE found this friend!!

Thank You Alexandria for this wonderful gift and for your special way of giving.

Thank You for enjoying these gifts with me.

This is your personal invitation to experience
~~my world of dreams and reality~~
by CLICKING the items on this list:

Chase's Awards From Others Page #2
Chase's Awards From Others Page #3
Chase's Awards From Others Page #4
Chase's Favorite Links
Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
Chase's Home Page
Chase's Tribute to Mom in Heaven
Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
Chase's Reserved Chair
Chase's Special Memories
Chase's Tears of Joy
Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story
Chase's Feeling Feelings
Chase's I Am Home With My Family

Thank you for being here!!


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I greatly appreciate Angelfire for providing the space for my website.