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Chase's Feeling Feelings

I hope you enjoy reading this article as much as I enjoyed creating it back in 1986.


Has your life become unmanageable? Are you hurting? Are you emotionally upset? Do you feel abandoned or isolated or lost or frightened or angry? Is there a wall between you and your feelings? Are you intensely wanting to be rescued? Do you feel like you are going to cry or lose your grip? Are you shaking inside out? Is there an unwanted burden on your shoulders? Are you engulfed with too much stress or anxiety? Do you suffer from unjustified shame or guilt? Are you blaming yourself for things that are beyond your control? Can you recall being used or abused? Does it seem like no one out there really cares about you? Are you starved for affection? Do you please other people when you truly want to say "no?" Do you view yourself as a victim rather than a survivor? Are you a workaholic? Does criticism make you uncomfortable? Is your self-esteem low or uncertain? Are you stuffing your feelings right now? Do you confuse love with pity? Are you in an insecure relationship on a roller-coaster path? Have you ever thought of yourself as being a puppet on a string? Do you allow other people to push your buttons? Are you living a lie to cover up what is going on in your family? Do you want to recover?

If your answer to any of these questions is "yes," now or ever before, then you have come to the right place. You are no longer left completely alone, and you can experience feeling feelings. We are here with you and we will help you. By applying the principles of the Serenity Prayer to your life, you can and will find true hope and comfort. The love you find here is from your new family. We are your brothers and sisters who want to grow with you. We accept you--just as you are. We will not abandon you. Expect to see many marvelous changes in all of your relationships as we, together, progress through the steps of recovery.

The three "C's" of alcoholism to remember are (1) I didn't cause the disease, (2) I can't control the disease, and (3) I can't cure the disease. What I can do is change my attitude. Your biological parents may have done the very best they could when they were your guardians; now your pathway to recovery may be enhanced by accepting yourself as your own personal guardian. You are now free to make your own choices.

This is a program of progress--NOT perfection. It only requires commitment to yourself. Your Higher Power will assist you with this commitment. It took a long time to get to this stage of your life, and you may find that "baby steps" are the most progressive steps to take. We learn to not expect too much too soon, taking one day or one moment at a time. Many of us faithfully attend "ACOA" meetings, frequently contact other members, and read Al-Anon literature on a daily basis which has brought about wonderful changes in our situation.

It is perfectly all right to cry or laugh in our group. We care about you. If you don't love yourself yet, please accept our love; we will love you until you learn to love yourself; then we will continue to love you.

Unconditional love can be experienced in our group.

If we laugh at something you say, please realize that we are not laughing at you--but with you. You might just be telling our story, too. Your sharing and caring also help us in our recovery. Please don't forget this. After the meeting concludes, if not before, feel free to ask for hugs. We are a hugging family of friends.

Love, Chase

Copyright © 1986-2024--Chase ( All rights reserved.

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