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Chase's I Am Home With My Family

I hope you enjoy reading this article as much as I enjoyed creating it back in 1987.

(In Al-Anon)

With God's grace, I now and always will share this marvelous gift with you. I want to welcome you to a superbly wonderful family that continues to unfold and grow through deep unconditional love. I accept you as my friend. Feel, truly feel, the love I have for you. Please mingle with us and experience the heart-warming joy that is available.

You are a very precious and unique person; no other person on the face of this earth can take your place. You are extremely special. I am truly blessed by your presence in my life. You add joy to my being, merely by your path crossing mine on the road to recovery.

Who am I to you? Am I a stranger of a foreign nature? Am I someone you want to know? Do we have anything in common? Can we recover together? "Welcome home." A really grand feeling comes to the heart, mind, and body as the door opens to this wonderful family of friends. Yes, I am home with the family of my choice. I eagerly want you to meet the rest of our family. It is the most loving family one could ever encounter. These great, marvelous people are no longer caretakers; instead, they are caregivers. The beautiful, loving care each one gives is tremendously powerful. You can bask in this dynamic joy and reap genuine acceptance.

We feel feelings, and we share our feelings with each other. (I use to deny and hide my feelings before I came into this family.) We laugh together--and I mean we really laugh. We cry together through tears of sadness, grief, and even joy and gratitude. Our hearts link one to another due to our sharing and caring. Loneliness dissipates because of the love and closeness of this group. Fears diminish when shame, blame, and guilt are brought to the light by expressing our "secrets" both openly and honestly with each other. Serenity often replaces the heavy burden of anguish.

Our meetings take place all over the country. We often meet after the meetings conclude to chat over a cup of coffee. Sometimes my phone rings with the loving voice of one of these dear hearts reaching out for love through love. I am no longer alone because of the closeness of this family of friends. These marvelous people provide me with a haven of safety and security. They allow me to be myself without judgment or condemnation. They are compassionate. When I wasn't able to love myself, they loved me...and they still do. This love is very contagious: I have seen it; I have felt it; and now, I live it.

Honesty runs rampant in this loving family. Many of us lived behind the wall of denial before coming to Al-Anon; however, now the truth is setting us free. We are recovering together and experiencing great progress through this recovery. Serenity is felt and realized. Problems of yesterday and tomorrow are shunned by living today to the fullest.

Feelings freely flow, and hugs of love are always available. Their nurturing love strongly decreases the fear of abandonment. Privacy and confidential sharing are held safe and secure within this group. They don't tell anyone else. This combined family is a power greater than I am, and I thank God for each of them...including YOU!!!

Glorious joy is available here. I share with hope that you will share with me: I AM HOME WITH MY FAMILY." -------- Welcome home!

I love you,
Chase (your brother)

Copyright © 1987-2024--Chase ( All rights reserved.

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Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
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Chase's Tribute to Mom in Heaven
Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
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Chase's Special Memories
Chase's Tears of Joy
Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story

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