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Well this is me. I hope that yall enjoy your trip into my little part of the net. I'm a 40 year old single dad with two great kids that I call my monkeys. My son Arron is 9, and my daughter Victoria is 8. Both of them are my world and give me the best fun a dad could ever ask for. Click here to see our Fun Page. Again, thank you for drop'n by.
I've added a picture page at the bottom of each of the linked pages above, please check them out.

Ok, now a little about me. I'm a divorced dad with 2 of the best kids a dad could ever wish for. I have been working for Amoco Oil for the past 12 years. I am a process operator, which means I work on one of the units at the Texas City Refinery. I work on a unit called a Cat Cracker, which means we Crack gas oil sent to our unit with a very fine silica powder, or catalyst. At our refinery we work a 12 hr. shift, which I really do like to work because I get more days off during the month to spend with the monkeys. The unit I work on is FCCU3, or Cat 3. (FCCU = Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit)

When not at work I like to play with the monkeys outside and teach them some computer stuff. (So that they can teach me when they learn) They learn so fast that I can hardly keep up with them. Arron is in the 3rd grade and Victoria is in the 2nd grade. I also like to fish, here on the Texas Coast we have some of the best fishing for the widest variety of game fish, from speckled trout and redfish, to shark and stingrays. But I think to say my favorite past time, other than the monkeys, is that I really love to cook. I was taught at an early age by my mother and her mom, the 2 best cooks in the world. (Not that I am biased or anything) They taught me so much that I could never match the knowledge that these 2 ladies have. Grandpa and Daddy taught me to cook on the pits and I don't believe that I have let them down. (OK, I'm blow'n my own horn here, but I think Q'n is my best culinary trait)

I grew up in Texas City, TX, btw, we won the state 4A High School football championship in 1997 and 1999, also TC is rated as The Best City in America to live in, I am proud to live here and bring my kids up in an environment like TC.

Well, enough for now. I really hope that yall like my page, I'm really green at this kinda thing, but learning with the help from alot of friends. Ok, now that the boring stuff is over, please do sign my GuestBook or drop me a line. I like to hear from people and hearing what they think is good or what is needed. Bye for now.....

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Ok, I got the guestbook up, now yall can tell me what yall think. I hope to get some good responses. Please feel free to give any comments, good or bad, as this will help me to know what needs to be done.... Really, any input would be greatly thanked. Hope yall like it and have as much fun as I'm have'n....
THX.... Chazz

Please bear with me, I am just getting started and will be working on my page as time allows. I do want to thank TAS for getting me here and all the help that she's going to give me. (As soon as I ask her *S*) I would also like to thank Ronnie Holland for the help that he has given me too, he's been a big help. THX Ronnie......

Some of my favorite Links....

please feel free to drop me a line any time

Last updated 11/21/00
Established 7/98
