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Magia Negra--Partner of Yvonne (OZ)

Smelling Her Tail   Acknowledging Saddle

Yvonne is bridging the Parelli Natural Horsemanship tasks with clicker training. Magia is "smelling her tail"--a good way to get lateral flexion and suppleness to the back. Also, Magia is smelling (acknowledging) her saddle.

Standing Bridleless   Bending to Receive Bridle

Magia stands patiently without headstall and then gives her head for bridling under saddle. Magia opens her mouth by herself to receive the bit.

Contact Yvonne

For additional and larger photos of Magia and Shaleema, go to Yvonne's Website

Tire   Neck Stretch

Yana is having Shaleema bring her front feet into the center of the tire and then "standing on her head", as Greg says. Nice preparation for the bow; additionally good stretch for the neck and back muscles.

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