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Vigdis and Susanne

My mare Vigdis is soooo eager for c/t I would never have dreamed of it. She made me run out of ideas!

She loves to learn new things but is still not so good in "old" tasks like lifting a leg and holding it relaxed or standing still while I move away. I am working on that but I would also like to go on with just fun because she very soon is bored.

Now reading in some of your messages about new ideas gave me hope again, Vigdis would love to learn how to count or how to say "no"!

My last project (I am just 3 or 4 weeks into c/t, the progress is so fast I have lost the feeling of time) was playing football. She is now able to shoot a little ball away from her after having run after it. She gets only clicked if she shoots it away not if she just scramble (?) it under her feet. I roll the ball, she runs to it, stops in front of it, tries which leg would be o.k. - it's so funny to look at that! - and then kicks the ball more or less :-) forceful.

It is so good for her, because she runs to the ball with her nose down on the ground and has to think about which foot to use.

It has already helped enourmously to relax her back and be more precise with her legs - very important for an icelandic horse with the sometimes difficult tolt!

Playing football has the negative effect that she does no longer target with her nose but now _kicks_ everything I use for targeting on the ground ....I am sure she will be able to sort that out as well soon if I want that.

I was a bit worried if I could manage to teach her to kick as she used her leg for scraping when she was impatient. So I prepared her for the movement "kick" in connection with the training for the farrier (lifting and holding the hoof).

The first attempts towards the ball then were indeed scraping and I clicked her just for moving the ball. The next day I waited with the click longer and let her touch the ball several times before clicking. And then it happened: she kicked and it opened the jackpot for her. Soon she understood: jackpot for kicking. And the next day she kicked nearly everytime. Photos below.

I am learning so much reading this list so let me, too,inform you about the progresses Vigdis is doing.

When we had a riding clinic last weekend in an environment she doesn't know well and has never before left with me alone, I left the stable yard and went into the streets (of a very small village), leading her from the ground. She was very curious, I whoaed quite often and c/t. She did not run and was though not relaxed but very brave! In that village we will spend a full week together, Vigdis and I, with some other horses being with her on the meadow, but I intend to also ride out with her alone. Very difficult as she tends to refuse to leave home. Vigdis has already been in that environment 4 or 5 times, but never alone with me. I am planning to first walk her the roads we shall be going and c/t her several times after whoaing. As she dearly loves her football I shall take one with me on those walks and play with her there in the forest. I already solved the problem of transporting the ball: I shall buy a "waterball", a ball you can blow up. Hope I get one!!!

But be sure I shall not forget my cellphone as Vigdis very often just refuses to go forward in such a situation and stands stiff as a poker, longest for 15 minutes. When it happened the last time, I was not worried: I would have called my partner and he would deliver my lunch. I was ready to spent the whole day on that spot. But Vigdis wasn't :-)) and so she moved on.

Some photos of Vigdis and her ball:

Vigdis and Ball

Vigdis and Ball

Vigdis and Ball

Vigdis and Ball

Vigdis and Ball

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