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Zip, The Heel Horse

Zip, is an 8 year old Quarter Horse. A big, chunky chestnut who has done some dressage and is a heel horse for team roping. He's good at his job and is very willing....except spooky. Anything coming up by his head, eyes, ears will send him flying.

Zip belongs to Terry and Monty Lira, my neighbors. On occasion, I've fed for them when they need to be gone. I've been a little leary of Zip since he tends to pin his ears and pace around when someone comes near.

Well, I got to work with Zip a couple of days ago, clicking him for touching a paper bag. He was wary of the bag but very interested in the treats. Wherever I moved, he moved. He didn't need many breaks--he was ready and willing to learn. In a short time, he was wearing the bag on his head with no problem. If the bag was brought up quickly by the side of his head, he still was a little anxious, but did not move his feet.

The next morning I was walking the pasture and noticed that Zip was watching me. I walked the perimeter and he followed me with his eyes. At one point, I decided to click the clicker and boy, did he come to attention! Ears up, focused and pointed, and body alert. I think he remembered the sound! A few days later, I used a plastic bag on a small whip to play with Zip. The first time he saw it, he whirled to the other side of the pen. But after a few clicks, he definitely wanted to play this game. Here's some photos from the session.

Wow, this is scary.

I can touch it...I can touch it...

Good treats. (Notice the difference in the ears)

I CAN do this...I CAN do this...

This ain't so bad. (The head comes down.)

What? Me worry?
