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Income Tax

Income tax is the most evil form of taxation. It suppresses the economy and bleeds middle class America. We the middle class have the burden of income tax placed upon us so that others in the underground economy can live a wealthier life. Small businesses under report income, if you make money from an illegal enterprise, illegal aliens, tourists and others make up the underground economy. How many people in this country have to decide to buy insurance or buy milk and food for their families because 30% or more of their paycheck is going for taxes. Wouldn't it be nice to keep the wages you earn and you decide what to buy? The best solution that would apply equally to all people regardless of their social status is a NATIONAL SALES TAX. Whenever anyone buys something they pay the tax. It doesn't matter how you earn income but you pay the tax when you buy something. Everybody pays. Please read up on this for yourself and you will be astonished how much more revenue would be generated and how much more you will be able to buy. You can choose the way you want to spend your money, don't allow the wealthy congress to choose that for you. It's about time we Americans stand up for the very reasons this country was founded. Let us not forget or lose sight of what it truly means to be an American.

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