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~ Welcome to my online Desert photo album. ~

The desert is a very beautiful place in the Spring if the rain fall has been good to us. Following is some of our Cacti and plants that you will find in the Anza Borrego State Park.

Hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting............Desert Rose

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This cactus blooms from May to July. It is most often found in powdery soil among Sagebrush, Pinyon Pines, and Juniper's. This cactus is fairly popular with collectors.


A funnel-shaped plant with several woody, almost unbranched, spiny, commonly straight stems leafless most of the year, and a tight cluster of red flowers at the tip of the branch. They bloom, commonly, from March to June. Sometimes they will bloom later in the year. They are commonly found in open stony slopes in the desert. The family consists of about 11 species, mostly Mexican, with Ocotillo the most northern. Leaves appear only after rain and wither when the soil dries, a cycle commonly repeated several times during the warm season.


These cactus grew in a cluster. I am not sure if this is normal for this type to do this. There is many species of the Barrel Cactus and this is just one of them.