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UPDATE: The pages that hosted these videos has long since took them down, so if you find any more, please email me with the link :)

Here is a small section of DragonHeart MultiMedia. This page is not yet done, so expect more soon.
Videos: By the way,anything with a Universal Studios location does not work anymore :(
An excellent AVI of Draco
Origan Trailer of Dragon Heart, is fairly large, but is a little more than 2 minutes long.
Draco blowing up stuff. Short (about 30 seconds) :) By the way, it doesn't work. Anything with a Universal Studios location does not work anymore :(
Director Rob Cohen discusses the story behind Dragonheart
Behind-the-scenes clips
Split-screen demo showing how the computer-generated Draco was added into the film
how the effects team put Bowen into Draco's mouth

Sound Effects:
A great startup sound for Windows

A DragonHeart Theme

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