Each class will divide into teams. Team chooses to mail via your country's Postal Service "Standard Service" - (NO SPECIAL HANDLING) one or three raw Grade A Medium chicken eggs in a cardboard box of any size to another school across the country. Schools will be matched upon completion of registration. The team can use any or all of the following materials to protect each egg from breakage:
a. One 8.5 x 11 sheet of standard copy paper.
b. 15 drinking straws of any size
c. 15 popsicle sticks, wooden splints, and/or tongue depressors
d. 100 cm of string
e. 100 cm of masking tape
f. 5 rubber bands - all the same size
g. the STANDARD cardboard box
NO OTHER MATERIALS ARE ALLOWED. PARTS OF THE BOX MAY NOT BE REMOVED AND USED INSIDE AS A MATERIAL. Include inside the box the name of the school, the team participants names, and a materials list. Contestants may use a pair of scissors - no other tools. (no commercial packing materials).
EACH EGG MUST BE SEALED INSIDE THE A SEALED PLASTIC BAG. Box should be wrapped in paper on the outside.
Score is determined by dividing the volume of the container by the number of eggs shipped. SCORE = (CUBIC INCHES OF PACKAGE) / (# of unbroken eggs)-BONUS POINTS. Include a materials list inside each box to aide in scoring. (Cut Straws & Sticks are difficult to reconstruct for scoring) BONUS POINTS are obtained by subtracting 1 cubic inch from the size of the box for each of the individual materials not used in the package. For example: if you use only 9 drinking straws instead of 15 you will have 6 cubic inch subtracted from the volume of your box when calculating your score. The masking tape is scored as 1 materials (ie the same as 1 rubber band. If any tape is used, it is the same as if all 100 cm were used.). The same is true for the string. A package with NO SURVIVING EGGS is given a score equal to the lowest ranking team in that class.
FINAL CLASS SCORE will be the average of all team scores in the class. A lower score is better.
Teachers of grade 4 - lower and multi grade classes may choose to score this event with a score based on the number of surviving eggs divide by the number of teams. Let Elizabeth know if this is your choice.
International Egg Toss -----
Describe the condition of the Egg Toss Boxes you receive.
Boxes School, Team :
Locations will be e mailed.
Do not use students' names.
Your Team's Name:
Team Score:
1. Please describe the external condition of the box.
2. Before you opened the box, did you believe the egg inside survived?
3. Did the egg survive? Why?
4. By observing the box's condition would you suggest a way the team might improve the design of their Egg Toss box?