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STAR test scores and gains for elementary grades in selected districts, 1998-2000

All scores are NPR mean percentiles for grades (2-6) in Reading, Math, Language, and Spelling

Entire State of California

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 39.6 42.6 42.8 38.0 40.8   15.6 23.6 20.8 18.0 19.5
1999 42.2 48.0 46.0 41.6 44.4   18.4 28.6 24.0 21.8 23.2
2000 45.6 54.8 50.2 46.6 49.3   21.0 33.8 27.4 26.0 27.1
Gain +6.0 +12.2 +7.4 +8.6 +8.5   +5.4 +10.2 +6.6 +8.0 +7.6
PCT 15% 29% 17% 23% 21% 35% 43% 32% 44% 39%

Los Angeles Unified School Districts

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 24.0 29.4 28.8 26.0 27.1   13.4 20.8 17.8 14.8 16.7
1999 25.8 33.2 30.4 28.2 29.4   14.6 24.0 19.2 17.0 18.7
2000 29.8 38.0 35.8 33.6 34.3   17.2 27.0 22.8 21.0 22.0
Gain +5.8 +8.6 +7.0 +7.6 +7.2   +3.8 +6.2 +5.0 +6.2 +5.3
PCT 24% 29% 24% 29% 27% 28% 30% 28% 42% 32%

Oceanside U.S.D. (strictest application of Prop. 227 in state)

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 35.4 38.0 39.0 35.2 36.9   8.8 13.6 12.8 10.2 11.4
1999 41.0 47.0 44.2 42.0 43.6   12.6 21.4 16.4 16.2 16.7
2000 45.0 55.6 48.8 47.2 49.2   23.2 37.2 29.6 28.4 29.6
Gain +9.6 +17.6 +9.8 +12.0 +12.3   +11.2 +18.6 +12.2 +15.0 +14.2
PCT 27% 46% 25% 34% 33% 93% 100% 70% 112% 92%

Vista U.S.D. (very pro-bilingual district with roughly same size and demography as nearby Oceanside U.S.D. often used by media for comparison purposes)

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 43.8 45.0 45.6 38.2 43.2   14.2 21.6 17.6 13.8 16.8
1999 46.6 52.8 49.2 40.8 47.4   16.6 27.4 20.8 15.8 20.2
2000 49.2 60.8 52.0 44.4 51.6   16.2 31.0 20.4 15.6 20.8
Gain +5.4 +15.8 +6.4 +6.2 +8.4   +2.0 +9.4 +2.8 +1.8 +4.0
PCT 12% 35% 14% 16% 19% 14% 44% 16% 13% 24%

San Jose U.S.D. (only school district in state legally exempted from Prop. 227)

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 43.0 41.6 43.8 38.4 41.7   15.0 20.0 19.2 15.0 17.3
1999 44.4 47.6 47.8 41.6 45.4   15.6 23.4 20.4 16.6 19.0
2000 47.4 56.4 52.8 47.6 51.1   16.6 28.6 22.2 19.2 21.7
Gain +4.4 +14.8 +9.0 +9.2 +9.4   +1.6 +8.6 +3.0 +4.2 +4.4
PCT 10% 35% 21% 24% 23% 11% 43% 16% 28% 25%

Santa Barbara E.S.D. (strongly shifted over to Prop. 227 English Immersion)

All Students Limited English (LEP)
Read Math Lang Spell Overall   Read Math Lang Spell Overall
1998 40.4 42.4 42.6 34.8 40.1   16.4 23.2 22.4 16.6 19.7
1999 44.8 50.2 45.6 40.4 45.3   21.2 31.8 26.6 22.6 25.6
2000 49.8 57.2 51.8 48.2 51.8   27.0 39.0 33.0 30.4 32.4
Gain +9.4 +14.8 +9.2 +13.4 +11.7   +10.6 +15.8 +10.6 +13.8 +12.7
PCT 23% 35% 22% 39% 29% 65% 68% 47% 83% 64%


Results of class-size reduction program, results after 3 years and $4 billion, given as % of students at national 50 percentile (RAND Study, source: Los Angeles Times, 6/23/99)

Read Math Lang Overall
No class-reduction 32 35 33 33.3
Class-reduction 34 38 36 36
Point Gain/PCT +2.0/8% +3.0/9% +3.0/9% +2.7/8% (over 3 years)

Smaller Class Sizes Yield Slim Gains, Study Finds
Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, June 23, 1999, FRONT PAGE.

Small Classes Produce Little Gains So Far
San Francisco Chronicle, Wednesday, June 23, 1999, FRONT PAGE.