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The 3rd Enochian Key

Behold, says your god, I am a Circle on whose hands stand 12 Kingdoms: Six are the seats of Living Breath: the rest are as sharp sickles or the horns of death, wherein the Creatures of the earth are and are not, except mine own hand which sleep and shall rise. In the first I made you Stewards and placed you in the seats 12 of government. giving unto every one of you power successively over 456, the true ages of time: to the intent that from the highest vessels and the corners of your governments you might work my power, pouring down the fires of life and increase continually on the earth: Thus you are become the skirts of Justice and Truth In the Name of the same your God, lift up, I say, your selves. Behold his mercies flourish and Name is become mighty amongst us. In whom we say: Move, Descend, and apply your selves unto us, as unto the partakers of the Secret Wisdom of your Creation.

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© 1997 by Parker Kientz-Torrence, last updated June 21, 1998

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