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Michelle Black

New Zealand Manuka Oil
Latin Name: Leptospermum scoparium
Family: Myrtacae

L.scoparium is a shrub or small tree that grows abundantly throughout New Zealand. It is considered native to New Zealand, although it has been found growing in Eastern and Western Australia, New Guinea and Southeast Asia.

Parts Used: The leaves and branches are steam distilled to produce the oil.

Cultivation: Sustainable harvest is now practiced from wild forest and bush areas. The areas have not been cultivated, the area is spray free and the oil production does not destroy the tree.

Harvesting: Wild trees and shrubs used in Golden Manuka Oil, are still pruned by hand just before and after flowering, and the material is steam distilled.

Characteristics: The oil produced by Golden Manuka is a yellow to pale brown oil with a honey-like, sweet aroma, and spicy, sharp taste. Active Constituents: Analysis of manuka oil showed it contained monoterpene hydrocarbons, a-cubebene, b-pinene, r-cymene, g-terpinene, a-copaene,b-caryophyllene, aromadendrene, calamanene, limonene, and myrcene; the oxide 1,8-cineole; a terpene alcohol,linalool; and esters.

L.scoparium has a range of therapeutic actions and medicinal uses similar to tea tree. Linalool has effective sedative effects and is rapidly absorbed through the skin and nasal mucosa. Research has shown it does have a more powerful antiseptic and antifungal action when compared to tea tree.

Research carried out by the Cawthron Institute and Waikato University has shown a broad spectrum antibiotic action. Therapeutic Action: Analgesic, Anesthetic, Antiasthmatic, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-imflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antiseptic, Antiviral, Expectorant, Fungicidal, Germicidal, Insecticide, Nervine, Sedative, Vulnerary

Medicinal Uses: External; Skin Abrasions, Abscesses, Acne, Athritis, Burns, Cold Sores, Cracked skin, Cuts, Dandruff, Dermatitis, Eczema, Fleas, Fungal Infection, Gingivitis, Impetigo, Insect Bites & Stings, Lice, Muscular Aches (blended with Lavender EO, it has been prescribed effectively for muscular & back pain), Nail infections, Pimples, Psoriasis, Rashes, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Skin-oily, Sores, Sunburn, Thrush, Ulcers, Wounds, Tonsiliitis

On a horsey note, I routinely keep a bottle in the first aid kit. I have used it successfully to treat wounds & cuts, seedy toe, thrush, mudfever & rainscald, in a blend with chamomile to treat hives & skin reactions to insect bites. I use it diluted in a rinse once a week after washing the horse's and it is one of the ingredients in my homemade insect repellant.

Can you tell that Manuka is one of my favourite essential oils? I'm Michelle Black by the way, passionate about dressage, on a voyage of discovery about lots of other alternative "stuff".

Loves having a resource like the equinemassage list and it's diversified bunch to learn from even if it does make my head whirl at times! Hope to see you there too.

Contact Michelle

Please visit the Golden Manuka Oil website
