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Equine Massage and Complementary Therapies


There is a role for music with your horses, and it is interesting what some of our early metaphysical teachers had to say about the effects of music.

One metaphysical writer who got my attention years ago was Manly P Hall. He was a master at just giving you enough information to trigger an exploration of your own. Some thoughts he expressed in his book 'The Therapeutic Value of Music inluding the Philosophy of Music helped shaped some of my ideas.

Pythagorus was one for insisting one start the day with beautiful music to set the tone for the day, Socrates and Plato regarded music indispensible to the health of the soul.

Music can be divided into 3 parts - rhythm, melody and harmony. Rhythm is associated with the physical life and the functions of the body; melody with a mans psychic being, emotional and mental; and harmony with the totality of spiritual existence.

I know when I need to write something inspiring or a set of course notes they just flow when I play Pachabels Canon. The music you play around you during the day sets a tone that vibrates around you throughout that day. It is interesting to note you dont have to play music non-stop, sometimes half an hour of a selected piece of music will set the tone for what you want to achieve.

Now how can we use this with our horses when they like to enjoy music, unfortunately I can only give examples of classical music. My main reference for this is Cyril Scott with 'Music its Secret Influence Throughout the Ages' and is responsible for leading me further into an understanding.

Bach for example exercised a most marked influence upon the facilitated the mentality exchange and assimilation of ideas.It would music to play when learning new things together with your horse, or at least playing while you are preparing your horse for a lesson so both of you are in the most receptive frame of mind.

Beethoven induces sympathy and encourages tolerance, his music brings about a greater unity between the heart and mind which is the prerequisite of true understanding, he is acknowledged for humanising humanity. Think of using his music when we are trying to develop more understanding and a heart connection with our horse, especially if we are both at a turning point in our training. (I have had cats respond very well to Beethoven until the canon goes off).

Mendelshon's music radiated serene happiness, he sowed the first seeds in the heart of man which were to bloom into the exalted idea of 'well-being' for all, the aching soul is comforted and cheered. Probably worth trying on a horse who has come from a sad or ugly experience.

Schumann was the composer who encouraged a connection of the heart to the parent from the child, a good composer to play when there is a foal birthing. Ave Maria is excellent for this, and may be an idea for a mare and with poor milk.

Greig, Tschailowsy, Delius and Sciarbin were all composers whose music was connected to the nature spirits and devas, worth playing to help one connect back with nature and encourage such delights to come play in your barn.

Tuning folks have been develop that vibrate to the tone of the meridian with the ideal tone and can be used to tune the body. Music can be used in a similar way.

Music can also be used to help trigger utilisation of biochemistry in the body, some trigger specific vitamins and minerals, some are very broad. There is a new age cd, 'Keeper of Dreams' by Philip Chapman - the melody and tone of this cd can trigger necessary biochemistry within anyone.

If you want to play music to your horses be aware how music can affect you and your horse on so many levels. I am sure there are modern equivalents to the music I have mentioned. Just be careful not to chose music that does not uplift the soul and being, some will have the effect of dragging the senses down and thats not what you want to achieve.

Catherine Bird Randwick. Sydney.
