goddess of wisdom; Athene       Specifically, philosophy includes five fields of study and discourse: logic, aesthetics, ethics, politics, and metaphysics.

Logic is the study of the ideal method in thought and research: observation and introspection, deduction and induction, hypothesis and experiment, analysis and synthesis. It contains rules for formulating arguments and ordering thought so as to come to sound conclusions.

Aesthetics is the study of, or expressions of theories of reasoned thought regarding the ideal form, or beauty; it is the philosophy of art.

Ethics is the study of ideal conduct, right and wrong; it attempts to deal with questions of "what ought to be" in regards to our behavior.

Politics is the study of the ideal organization of society and government; justice, monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, socialism, anarchism, feminism: these are some of the possible elements of political philosophy.

Metaphysics is the study of, or expressions of theories of those things that are above or beyond nature or physics; beyond the five senses, the "ultimate reality" of all things. It includes two other distinctive categories within its pale:

Ontology , the study of being, of what is; the ultimate reality of and behind 'existence' and 'matter'; and

Epistemology , from two Greek words: 'episteme' (knowledge) and 'logos' (speech, reasoning).
The subject explores How we know, or the nature and limitations of knowledge.

Comprehension of material on this page, the previous page (Definition and Relevance of Philosophy) and the Logic page will be necessary to pass the Philosophy Quiz # 1.

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"In every man there is something that I may learn of him; and in that I am his pupil" ~ Emerson