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Hidden Crypt:
On the Italian level as you get half way around the track you start desending down
a hill. You will pass some columns and see a crypt. Stear in the direction of the
street to enter.
The Secret Gate:
At the South American Track near the end of the track you see a purple gate way off
to the left, which is hidden in cave. Flying Horse
Hold down the CROSS for around 10 seconds after finishing a race.
Cash Course
You will need to collect all the gates on the track and a video will show you how.
Bonus Money
If you go pass through all the gates at a course, then you will be taken to a Bonus
level with $5 and $10 gates.
TRINEXT - Up a level.
TRIHOVR- Hovering
TRISHLD - Shields.
3DREALM - Full Weapons
TRISCOPE - Osciloscope.
TRIWARP# - Warps to any level (# type in level number)
