Date of opening—October 21st 1914 No. of beds Admissions since opening to March 26th 1919 Deaths
Average number of days each patient was resident |
272 4822 31 1915 29 |
1916 43 |
1917 55 |
1918 38 |
OFFICERS Commandants: Mrs Lee-Williams, O.B.E., Mrs E. B. Evans Medical Officers: Dr W. Washbourn, Dr A. Alcock, Dr C. St. Johnston, Dr H. C. Terry Lady Superintendents: Miss Norris, R.R.C., Mrs Finlay, A.R.R.C. Quartermasters: Miss Voller, Miss Brown Assistant Quartermaster: Mrs Vears Hon. Secretary: Mr Hobbs Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Cullis Masseuses: Miss Hans, Miss Cholmeley |
This was actually the first hospital in Gloucestershire to open and the last to close. It commenced in the two west wards—the only part then completed—of the Gloucester Poor Law Infirmary, when 60 beds were provided. Late in 1915 more beds were required, and the Guardians generously gave us the use of the two east wards, and later the maternity block, so that we then had the whole of the hospital. This enabled us to provide over 200 beds; in 1916 a further urgent call for more accommodation reached us, which we were able to meet by the kindness of a committee of Gloucester citizens, who provided a first rate hut, complete with electric light, baths, and sanitary accommodation, and also a large dining room, which was badly wanted. The erection of the Hospital hut was probably a record in rapid building, being completely finished in every detail and occupied by patients in 17 days. This additional accommodation enabled us to bring the beds up to 272, and with Boddington, used as an annexe, to 290. There were very few, if any, purely Auxiliary Hospitals larger than this. |
Photos of Gloucester VA hospital |
Gloucestershire Red Cross Hospitals 1914-1919 |