Foreword by Gareth Knight
The relationship between human and Faery lies at the very core of the Arthurian stories. In this radical re-evaluation of the Grail legends, Wendy Berg brings some meaningful light to the ancient mythology of the British Isles, centred around the marriage of King Arthur to the Faery Gwenevere. Drawing upon numerous Arthurian sources and other related texts, from the Book of Genesis to The Lord of the Rings, she explores the magical ritual underpinning of the legends and their connection to the ancient stellar deities of Britain. "When these stories are read with the additional level of understanding that they are for the most part a record of the lives and relationships of Faeries and humans working together about the Round Table, they immediately become not only a great deal more interesting, but also acquire a new and vivid relevance for the present day."
Wendy Berg has thirty years' experience of all aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition and is an authority on Egyptian, Celtic, Arthurian and Grail magical traditions. She blends a thorough knowledge and experience of the Qabala and formal ritual magic with Christian Mysticism and modern Paganism. She currently runs the Avalon Group, the magical fraternity founded by Gareth Knight.
"This is the most important and challenging book on Arthurian and Grail tradition for many a long year. Wendy Berg is not afraid to ask fundamental questions or to challenge facile assumptions that have for long simply ignored or plastered over many contradictions in the stories – particularly relating to Arthur's queen and the origin and destiny of the Grail Hallows. Wendy has certainly changed the direction of my own thought and research into matters Arthurian and pointed me in the direction of the greatly ignored wealth of tradition that is held in the lore of Faery. The search for the true Grail and its custodians starts here!" – Gareth Knight |