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Skylight Press
  WORKING WITH INNER LIGHT: The Magical Journal of William G. Gray     New from Skylight Press
  Edited by Jo Clark and Alan Richardson      
  Working with Inner Light

As the New Age seemed to explode into being from the late 1960s onward, everything spiritual had to be Eastern. Psychedelic artwork showed Glastonbury Tor overshadowed by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, or Stonehenge sending its energies up to Lord Krishna – imagery which Bill Gray summed up quite simply as “Balls.” He was working hard at making sure that our weakened (or slumbering) Western Traditions would survive.

Now, 19 years after his death, a new manuscript has come to light representing some of his vintage work on the inner and outer practicalities of ritual magic. On what turned out to be his last visit to Bill, Alan Richardson was given a ring binder containing what seemed to be an occasional Journal-cum-Magical Diary for 1965. However it is far more than a journal; it is a detailed course in modern Qabalistic magic. Now published for the first time, this advanced but practical text will be of immense value to esoteric students and practitioners working within the Western Mysteries today.

At the editors' request, all royalties from the sale of this book, and
any earnings of any kind accrued by them in relation to it, will be paid
to the charity Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood (CLICSargent).

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ISBN: 978-1-908011-14-5
Copyright in this edition: Jo Clark and Alan Richardson
Language: English
Pages: 208  
Binding: perfect-bound paperback
Interior print: black & white, with Bill Gray's original sketches
Dimensions: 15.2cm wide × 22.9cm tall (6 x 9 in)

Published June 10th 2011


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