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  MERLIN AND THE GRAIL TRADITION (expanded edition)     New from Skylight Press
  Gareth Knight      
  Merlin and the Grail Tradition

Few figures from myth and legend have impressed the imagination like that of Merlin, Archmage of the land of Logres, whose shadowy, compelling presence plays a key part in the tales of Arthurian legend and the Quest of the Holy Grail.

Merlin and the Grail Tradition was first published at the turn of the millennium by Sun Chalice Books, originally as a collection of ten essays, talks and magical workings grouped loosely around the locus of Merlin and the grail. Gareth Knight is exceptionally well qualified to cover the esoteric aspects of the Arthurian mysteries, having been trained extensively in this tradition as a young initiate of Dion Fortune's school and later developing them at the now legendary series of Hawkwood workshops during the 1980s. In his autobiography I Called it Magic he describes a hair-raising spontaneous magical working in which he sounded three long blasts on a hunting horn to call the sleeping King Arthur. The result was a vision, which burst in upon those present, of the entire fellowship of the Round Table assembling within the lodge. Another ritual from that same event, The Catechism of the Grail, is included in this book. The longer term result of this work was Gareth Knight's well-known book The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend. His deep insights into the Arthurian mysteries have been further enriched by his exchange of ideas and close working relationships with other important authorities on the Merlin/Grail traditions, such as Caitlín and John Matthews, R.J. Stewart and Wendy Berg.

The articles gathered together in this collection include transcripts of talks given at various conferences, chapters written for inclusion in other books, and short pieces selected from Gareth Knight's own magazine, Quadriga, which was circulated to his students.

Since the original edition of this book was published a number of further articles have been written which add new insights, particularly with regard to the faery tradition within the grail legends, which has taken on an increasing importance in recent years. This new edition therefore includes The Faery Tradition in Arthurian Legend and a new analysis of Chrétien de Troyes: The First Arthurian Romancer. Additionally, an old manuscript has come to light on Sir Gareth: the Quest of a Round Table Knight, resurrected from a private lecture given in Paris in 1987. This new expanded collection of thirteen pieces therefore represents Gareth Knight's eclectic pursuit of the Merlin and Grail mysteries over a period of more than thirty years.

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ISBN: 978-1-908011-33-6
Copyright: Gareth Knight
Language: English
Pages: 124  
Binding: perfect-bound paperback
Interior print: black & white, with a few diagrams
Dimensions: 15.2cm wide × 22.9cm tall (6 x 9 in)

Published December 31st 2011


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  Merlin and the Grail back cover

"This popular topic has been covered many times and many ways, yet I found the content of this particular book to be outstanding. It approaches the Grail and Merlin Myths from a perspective that is applicable and extremely useful in the spiritual quest of this day and time. Any student of the Western Mystery Tradition or of the Arthurian Legends of the Grail will find it to be most enlightening, covering many topics which tie together in a very understandable and previously unrealized way.

The cohesive strands of the Myths of Merlin and the Grail have been explored from the Arthurian Legends through to the history of John Dee and Elizabethan Magic, even to the work of Dion Fortune and the beginning of her Mystery School in Glastonbury. If your interests are confined only to Dion Fortune's work, this book is packed full of interesting facts and information which I have not found available in other works. I came away from this book with a better understanding of how archetypal energies are expressed through traditions, realizing the very congruent line which they have followed, and finding correlations and relevancy that has literally spanned the ages. It is written in an intelligent, yet highly evocative manner which puts the reader right into the story. The final chapter, The Catechism of the Grail, impacts not only one's understanding of the power's behind the Myths, but also yields much understanding of how this is to be applied in the world and within one's own life. I thoroughly recommend this book to those who seek knowledge of these subjects out of interest, and also for those who quest for a more spiritual way of living."

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