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  THE FORGOTTEN FAITH     New from Skylight Press
  Anthony Duncan      
  The Forgotten Faith

Celtic spirituality is the "forgotten faith" of the West. It is essentially joyful and holistic and holds together the two human faculties of reason and intuition, taking joy in the beauty of the created world.

The Celtic saints were intuitives whose feet were very firmly planted on the ground. It is their equilibrium as human beings that gives much of their appeal, and in this, as in the holiness their lives display, they are Christlike.

This book by Anglican cleric Anthony Duncan examines the lives of the Celtic saints in the context of their time, along with the sacred places in the landscape that have become associated with them. It includes such figures as Patrick, Columba, Ninian, Dewi (St David), Kentigern, Maelrubha, Cadog, Padarn, Samson, Melangell, Teilo and St Paul Aurelian.


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ISBN: 978-1-908011-71-8
Copyright: the estate of Anthony Duncan
Language: English
Pages: 126  
Binding: perfect-bound paperback
Front cover photo: Rebsie Fairholm
Interior print: black & white
Dimensions: 15.2cm wide × 22.9cm tall (6 x 9 in)

Published February 5th 2013


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