Copyright ©1998, Gary
After the movie "The Forbidden Planet", I got a metallic Robbie The
Robot. I kept this robot in excellent condition. In fact, it was in such
spectacular condition that there was narry a scratch and the batteries
still worked.
When I went on my first bicycle trip across the country in 1981 we had
yard sales to get rid of things enough so that it might be able to be shipped
to us again once we settled down. While I was fixing an oscilloscope my
mother came to me and asked, "Did you want to sell this?"
Me, being busy at the time and frustrated that I had just blown my voltmeter
said, "Sure." I never saw the robot again, but while on the bike
trip I heard on the radio one night that somebody had bought (my?) Robbie
the Robot for $7000.00. Arggggh and cough.