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"John Kennedy 1"
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When John Kennedy died on November 22nd of 1963 I was at the bottom of the hill heading home from 4th grade. Somebody told me that Kennedy had been shot, but I didn't believe them, thinking they were lying. Once I got home, however, Ma had the death scenes on the television screen. This being my first experience with someone dying, I took it quite hard (as did many others at the time).

I created a scrapbook, and in it I put newspaper clippings of his death. Then, of the death of Oswald, then Ruby, and finally I put in clippings and pictures of Robert. Since I used scotch tape, they are badly yellowed and destroyed, including the images I drew of them. He was one of those people who I drew every few years using the exact same image each time so it creates a way to see my improvement over time.