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Giving Thanks by Theresa

Michaela slowly awoke to find the warm Spring breeze gently blowing the curtains back and forth in the window. The sun was up, it's golden glow warm with promise. As the last remnants of sleep began to wear off and awareness of the conscious world began to filter in, Michaela became aware of Sully's arm around her, his hand gently cradling and caressing her rounded belly. Gently she placed her hand over his and smiled; even in sleep Sully protected what was his.

Deciding not to wake him, Michaela snuggled deeper into his embrace and let her mind wander. It had been two years since that frightful night of her miscarriage and that year so fraught with worry and uncertainty. It seemed like a lifetime ago, and for that she was thankful. Now she and Sully had been blessed with another child, something she had dared not hope for and still couldn't believe was happening. This pregnancy had gone off without a hitch, and it wouldn't be long now before this little person would be here. "None too soon, either", she thought wryly as the familiar rough and tumble in her belly renewed itself with vigorous insistence. Katie had certainly not been this active!

The thought of their now three-year-old daughter made Michaela smile. Katie was 100% daddy's girl, and well lately, it seemed that mommy just didn't know anything! She followed her daddy everywhere she could and wanted to do everything "just like daddy". Michaela often teased Sully about this, but seeing the way his face lit up and the way he smiled, all proud and self-satisfied, she could hardly begrudge him his daughter's adoration. Though she might despair a time or two over the lost "girl time" with her daughter, by the same token, she recognized so much of herself in the little girl that she could hardly complain. Katie was talkative and inquisitive, sometimes to the annoyance of her older brother, Brian, and the amazement of her father. Brian did the best he could to answer her questions, and Sully taught her many things. Most recently, Sully was teaching her about the Spirits, to which she queried, "Daddy, what's a Spirit?". Sully was still trying to find an age-appropriate answer to that question that did not include the word ghost! Katie also learned some things from her father that were better off not learned, Michaela thought wryly. Sully had been repairing the corral fence, with Katie not more than one step behind him, when he had accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer and uttered an unspeakable term. Katie, of course, delighted to learn new words, promptly began announcing this new term to anyone or anything she came across. Sully and Michaela had been so embarrassed, that they left Katie at home with Brian that day when they went into town. Michaela could still see in her mind's eye the events of that evening so clearly. Katie would walk around the house pointing at things "!@#$", she would say. A very long-suffering Brian would then say, "No, Katie, that's your chair" "!@#$", Katie would say again. "No, Katie, that's the table", Brian would say. Embarrassed as they were, it was so funny that Michaela and Sully couldn't help but laugh. Even the thought of it now made Michaela giggle. She tried to stifle her laughter so she wouldn't wake Sully, but she wasn't quite successful.

"Good morning", Sully whispered into her ear, giving her a kiss. The arm around her tightened gently, and she lightly ran her hand up and down his arm.

"Good morning", she replied happily in return.

"You're up early, the baby wake you?" he asked.

"No, something just woke me. Must be the nice day," Michaela replied.

"What were you just thinking about?" he asked, with a smile against her ear.

Michaela giggled then. "That time you were repairing the corral fence and hit your thumb with the hammer and Katie spent the rest of the day happily repeating that unspeakable term you had used!"

Sully*s laughter echoed in her ear and she felt his belly shake against her back. "That was, somethin', wasn't it?" he said as his laughter died away.

"It certainly was!" Michaela replied and cuddled closer against her husband with a smile.

Sully gently resumed caressing his wife's rounded belly, then said, "Here I was plannin' on bein' up before you and fixin' somethin' special".

"What's that?" Michaela questioned, turning over onto her back and looking questioningly at him.

Sully's eyes began to twinkle and that special smile lit up his face, "How does breakfast in bed sound, to start off our special day together?"

Michaela smiled. Their special day together; it was their fifth wedding anniversary and each had set aside the whole day, exclusively to spend with the other. Brian and Katie were spending last night and tonight at Robert E and Grace's so the two could be alone.

"Sounds good to me", she replied.

Sully smiled in return. "Alright, I'll be back soon. Don't go away", he teased as he got up to dress.

Sully had his back to her as he dressed, and Michaela indulged herself in this intimate pleasure of just watching him. Sully's gentle love and reassurances had done much to break down a lot of her reserve, but she was still shy in some matters, and Sully could easily get her to blush. To her chagrin, it was something he thoroughly enjoyed doing! Still, she enjoyed these precious few moments of unnoticed indulgence.

Sully was just finishing buttoning up his pants when he glanced over his shoulder to find his wife's loving and steady gaze on him. A slight color touched his cheeks and a big smile crossed his face as he turned to come back to his wife's side. He gently placed his hand along the side of her face, his eyes lighting with appreciation at her blush, and leaned down to kiss her softly. Sometimes, words weren't necessary, Michaela thought, as she watched Sully leave the room.

Michaela's gaze was drawn back to the curtains billowing in the breeze, and she was soon, once again, lost in thought. She knew that Sully had a few "surprises" up his sleeve for today, but all in all, they had made few plans for the day. More than anything, Michaela wanted to spend just an ordinary day with her husband, a day where they could focus on each other and enjoy each other without all the interruptions of life. She and Sully had decided that they would use part of today to plant the garden, and a few more fruit trees in the orchard. It would be nice to be able to spend some time out in the sun getting her hands dirty in the garden. Michaela felt sleep pulling at her, and with a smile on her face, she allowed herself to doze.

Half an hour later, Michaela felt the bed dip on her left side, but it was the tray, being gently balanced on her round tummy that made her come wide awake and arch her eyebrows in question at her husband.

"Could almost get it to stay there, if this little guy wasn't kicking so hard", Sully teased.

"How, pray tell, am I supposed to eat from this position", Michaela replied wryly.

Sully grinned and moved the tray to his lap. Michaela sat up and was reaching for a piece of toast when Sully's hand stopped her. Her eyes went quickly to his face, only to discover a smile and look that she had come to know only too well. With a small shake of her head and a smile, she sat back and allowed Sully to feed her. Between bites of food and kisses, it was a very enjoyable process, indeed!

After Sully went back to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast, Michaela got out of bed, washed, fixed her hair and dressed in one of her "around the house" dresses that she used for washing laundry or working in the garden. Sully came in just as she was buttoning up her dress and decided to take over the task for her. With a kiss, he stepped away and donned a shirt for the trip into town to pick up whatever seed and trees were needed for the garden and orchard.

"What were ya thinkin' of plantin' this year?" Sully asked as he helped Michaela into the wagon.

"Well, I'd like to plant some peas, some corn, some tomatoes and potatoes, maybe some berries this year, another plum and another peach.........." the list continued on.

Sully just stood there and shook his head in wry amusement. One thing Michaela always enjoyed each year was planting the garden.

"What?!" Michaela questioned, trying to act miffed but not quite pulling it off when she saw the look on her husband's face.

"Nothin'," Sully smiled, came around the wagon and got in. He put one arm around Michaela, tucking her close, then snapped the reigns and they were off to town. They returned from town with a wagon full of trees, seed and supplies. Enough to "feed the army" Sully had groused good-naturedly, but he wasn't about to deny her what she wanted.

Sully helped Michaela out of the wagon, then began unloading while she went to get the rakes, hoes and other garden utensils. Sully had already broken up a plot of ground for the garden, and he now commenced to draw the dirt into raised beds while Michaela decided, or tried to, what should go in each row. When the raised beds were complete, Sully sat in the dirt next to Michaela and began to help her plant the seeds. With a small trowel, he dug the holes, while she placed the seeds in each hole, then both covered the seeds with dirt, their hands constantly touching. Throughout the rest of the morning and early afternoon, the sun warmed each of them to the core as they planted the seeds, then the trees. They finished by late afternoon, and Sully could see that the time had been well-spent and enjoyable, but tiring for Michaela.

"Why don't you go wash up while I put things away here, then we can take a nap," he suggested.

Michaela smiled gratefully, and slowly rose, with Sully's assistance. It didn't take long for her to wash up and change back into her cotton shift. Just as she was lying down to rest, Sully came in and washed up, then came to lie down next to her. Michaela went immediately into the circle of Sully's arms, lay her head on his chest, and promptly fell asleep.

Sully was relaxed, but not tired, so he lay awake, just enjoying the pleasure of being able to hold this woman that he loved so much. Michaela's stomach was pressed up against his side, and Sully could feel the baby kicking. He smiled and placed his hand on her stomach, gently caressing it, and the active child inside. He was not often afforded this leisurely pleasure of a mid-day rest or time to hold his wife like this, so he shifted slightly and lay quietly, content just to hold Michaela.

Somewhere just after suppertime, Sully gently shifted a sleeping Michaela out of his arms and got up. He figured she'd sleep for at least another hour, which gave him ample time to put together part of his "surprise". He padded quietly down to the kitchen and took the picnic basket out of the pantry. Then he commenced to fix a substantial meal and pack it into the basket.

Michaela came down the stairs an hour later, dressed in a comfortable dress and wiping the last vestiges of sleep from her eyes, to find Sully placing the picnic basket and a blanket on the table. Sully looked up and felt his heart melt when he saw her standing there, a bit tousled, slightly sleepy and looking a bit perplexed. He crossed to her and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Sully, what are you doing with the picnic basket and a blanket?" she queried.

"I thought a picnic out at the hot springs might be a nice way to end the day," he replied as he watched her face light up.

"Sounds like fun," she replied, "let me go get ready."

It wasn't long before they were once again in the wagon, this time heading toward the hot springs with the picnic basket and blanket in the back. It was already getting dark by the time they reached the hot springs, but that didn't seem to concern them. Still feeling very relaxed from the day's activities and rest, they ate in companionable silence, broken only once for Michaela to compliment Sully on the delicious supper.

After supper, they decided to go for a dip in the hot springs. Even in the dark, Sully could sense Michaela's fiery blush as he divested her of her dress and petticoats, then slipped off his own clothing. Giving her a gentle kiss, he stepped into the water, then helped her in. Michaela sat contentedly in the circle of Sully's arms, letting the heat of the water soak into her bones.

"Michaela, remember a few months back when ya told me you were pregnant and I was real worried and went off to seek guidance from the Spirits?" Sully questioned. Sensing that he had something on his heart to tell her, and remembering all to well those frantic moments, she nodded quietly against his shoulder.

"Well, while I was asking the Sprits for guidance, I had a vision.........about the baby," he stated. Michaela looked up in interest, encouraging him to go on.

"I was in a forest, around me were all kinds of trees, young, old, all strong and healthy. Before me was a small hole in the ground, and next to it, a pouch. The Spirits instructed me to open the pouch and remove the contents. I did, but all I found in the pouch was a single seed from a pine cone. The Spirits then instructed me to plant the seed, and water it from the water pouch that appeared before me. I did as I was instructed, then stepped back to watch. To my amazement, out of this one seed, grew two trees, each young healthy and strong. I asked the Spirits what it meant, and was told only that as that seed had been greatly blessed, so too, would I be greatly blessed." Sully finished his story, then sat quietly.

Michaela sat, leaning against him, mulling over this vision and its meaning. Suddenly a thought made itself manifest in her mind, heart and soul with startling clarity. She abruptly sat up and whirled around to face Sully, in shock.

"Twins?!" she questioned in shocked breathlessness.

Sully only smiled.

"Which one are we going to name Byron junior?" Michaela teased Sully on their way home from the hot springs awhile later.

"Whichever one is a boy," Sully deadpanned.

Michaela gave him the "you're nuts" look and said, "They could both be boys, identical twins as a matter of fact. From the sounds of your vision, I believe that's what we'll be having."

"Well, in that case, we can name one Byron junior and the other Josef, after your dad," Sully replied as they pulled up to the homestead and he stopped the horses. "How does that sound?"

Michaela's eyes filled with tears and she leaned over and kissed him. "That sounds wonderful, " she said softly.

"Why don't you head on up to bed and I'll put the horses and things away, " Sully suggested as he helped Michaela down from the wagon.

Michaela smiled gratefully and turned to go, paused, then turned back to Sully. "Sully? Would it be alright for us to share a book before we go to sleep?" she asked hesitantly.

Sully smiled and gave her cheek a gentle caress as he replied, "Sure. That sounds good. Go ahead and pick what you'd like to read."

With a smile, Michaela turned to go. It didn't take long for her to change and wash up. She could feel the tiredness pulling at her, despite the primarily restful day she'd had. She knew that signaled that the time for the baby, make that babies, was near. With a smile, Michaela placed a hand on her stomach and massaged it gently.

"How are Sully and I going to keep up with two of you and Katie as well, " she said, more to herself that to the two children she carried inside of her.

Presently, her thoughts were interrupted as Sully entered the room. Seeing his wife standing there with her hands on her rounded belly, he smiled and came over to give her a gentle kiss before beginning to change and get ready for bed.

As Sully was changing, Michaela quietly padded over and slid into bed. She propped the pillows against the headboard for her and Sully, then leaned back against them. She then picked up the book from the night table next to the bed and sat quietly, waiting for Sully to join her.

Within a few minutes, Sully slid in next to her, taking the book from her hands and putting his arm around her as she snuggled up next to him, laying her head on his chest. When they had both gotten comfortable, Sully opened the book and began to read. After only a few pages of reading, he looked down to find Michaela sound asleep against his chest.

Putting the book aside with a smile, he wrapped her securely in his arms and gently caressed her cheek, then her rounded belly as he felt the children she carried inside her begin to kick up a ruckus. As he sat, his thoughts turned pensive. He knew that the chronic exhaustion she was suffering from only signaled that the time for the babies was near, but after her miscarriage nearly two years ago, every little thing magnified his worry immensely. He knew his constant worry frightened her, in fact drove her to try harder to hide it, but every time he thought of her all alone when she had miscarried, his stomach churned with a sick guilt. At least now she was far past the critical period, but he could never seem to stop worrying. Setting aside his thoughts in lieu of a good night*s rest, he carefully reached over and blew out the lamp on the night table next to the bed. Gently he settled them both down beneath the covers and rested, content to just hold his Michaela.

"Hi, ma, hi, pa!" Brian greeted them after church that Sunday. "Matthew and Timari fixed us a nice big picnic lunch, so we could all eat together. Is that alright, ma?" Brian asked excitedly.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful", Michaela replied, seeing her son and soon to be daughter-in-law coming towards them with Katie in tow. "Why don't you and Katie go find us the perfect spot to sit," she suggested. Brian quickly complied, hollering to Katie as he went, who eagerly went dashing off after her big brother.

"Hi, Dr. Mike, Sully," Matthew greeted them as they approached. Matthew, Timari and Michaela all exchanged hugs while Sully just nodded.

"I thought you might enjoy having a picnic lunch," Timari said.

"That sounds wonderful,* Michaela replied as she put her arm around the girl and the two strolled over to where Brian and Katie were already setting up, leaving Sully and Matthew to follow behind at their own leisure.

Soon they were all gathered on the picnic blanket, food spread all around, enjoying the meal. Conversation flowed easily all around, but Michaela chose not to join in. She was feeling very weary, and wasn't very hungry, though she tried to force some food into her stomach so Sully wouldn't worry.

The food was finished in short order and the dishes packed back into the picnic basket. While Sully and Matthew talked, Michaela leaned contentedly against Sully, enjoying a rare moment of watching Timari romp with her children in the meadow. They had asked her to join them, but she had declined, she just wasn't feeling up to it. She answered Sully's concerned look with a smile, but though he seemed relaxed, she knew he was very much in tune with her.

Michaela's attention was drawn solely to Timari. She was so thankful that Matthew had found her, had fallen in love with her. Michaela remembered well when Timari and her mother had first arrived in town a year and a half ago. They were both ill-nourished, and her mother, who was very ill, died only a month later. Timari had called upon her extraordinary mathematics skills and had acquired a job at the bank as Preston's assistant. She had found a nice couple just out of town to stay with and she was doing well. Beautiful Timari..........Michaela smiled. With her milk white skin, coal black hair, violet eyes and delicate build, Timari might look like one of those fragile porcelain dolls from the doll shop, but you discovered after you knew her a bit that she was not in the least fragile. She had enough spunk and sass to impress even Hank, and to keep Preston more or less in line!

The late afternoon sun was warm and inviting, and Michaela felt the weariness pulling at her even more, pulling her deeper into its abyss of oblivion. She began to drift into that state somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. Sully noticed immediately, and his concern grew in leaps and bounds. He decided it was time to pack up and head for home, so in short order, the family was in the wagon and on their way back to the homestead.

Brian and Katie were in the back of the wagon. Worn out by the excitement of the day's events, Katie slept in Brian's arms. Brian, nearly as tired, was content just to sit and stare at the passing landscape. Sully felt a thick lump of fear in his chest and throat as he put a gentle but secure arm around Michaela and tucked her close to his side for the ride home. Gratefully, Michaela laid her head on Sully's shoulder and allowed sleep to pull her in. Sully drove as fast as he dared, sensing a great need to get Michaela home and into bed to rest.

When they arrived at the homestead, Sully instructed Brian to take Katie in and put her to bed. Then he gently awakened Michaela and helped her down from the wagon.

"Michaela? You ok? You should have told me you weren't feeling well," he said as he gently stroked her cheek.

"I'm alright, just a little tired", Michaela replied. "Will you and Brian be ok with Katie and supper? I think I'll go to bed and I'll probably sleep through the night." Michaela looked at him wearily and Sully's chest tightened.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine," he replied. Gently he pulled Michaela into the circle of his arms and massaged her back and neck. Michaela leaned against him gratefully and closed her eyes, his tender touch pulling some of the weariness from her. Their peace was interrupted by Brian coming out of the house.

"I got Katie to bed, she sure was tired! Would ya like me to start supper?" he asked eagerly.

"That would be great," Sully replied, smiling at his younger son. "I'm gonna take your ma up to our room and help her get settled for the night, then I'll come help ya."

"Ok," Brian replied and dashed back to the house.

Sully looked down at Michaela. She was still leaning against him and her eyes were closed. "She probably fell asleep," Sully thought. Deciding just to carry her into the house, Sully startled her into wakefulness by picking her up.

"Sully!" Michaela half protested as he carried her up the front steps and into the house. But she really felt too tired to climb all those stairs, so she just laid her head down against Sully's shoulder and allowed him to take her up to their room.

With concern etched in every feature, Sully helped her wash and change with the tenderest of care. Michaela felt as if the weariness had seeped into her very bones and had sapped her of all strength and energy. She couldn't even keep her eyes open while Sully helped her wash and change. Gently he tucked her into bed and pulled the covers over her, slipping one hand beneath the covers to gently stroke her swollen stomach. With the other hand, he gently brushed back her hair, pressing an occasional kiss to her temple, but Michaela was too tired to even respond with a smile. All she could do was lie there and feel the love her husband was giving her. Sleep pulled at her with utmost urgency, and her last coherent thought before slipping into its peaceful oblivion was that this was indeed going to be a VERY long night.

Sully returned downstairs to find Brian busily finishing putting the last of the supper items on the table. Katie was still sound asleep, and Sully decided just to let her sleep through the night. Deep in thought and very pensive, Sully sat down to eat with Brian. He hoped the babies wouldn't decide that now was the time to enter the world. It was still three weeks before Michaela was due, and he knew how vital those few weeks were. But more and more the signs were telling him that the babies were planning on making a sooner than scheduled appearance, and that scared him. Sully was so deep in thought, it took Brian several attempts to get his attention.

"Pa?....Pa?.....Pa?!!" Brian was almost getting frustrated.

"Hmmm..oh, sorry Brian! What did you want?"Sully asked sheepishly.

"Is Ma ok? She seemed awful tired...." Brian queried.

"Yeah, she's alright. She's just real tired is all, it's natural for that to happen when a woman nears her time." Sully tired to reassure his son, though he wasn't entirely convinced, himself.

The two finished supper in silence, then made short work of cleaning up. Sully went to check on Katie while Brian went to wash and change for bed.

"Goodnight, Pa", Brian said, coming up to stand next to Sully at the side of Katie's bed.

"'Night, Brian",Sully said, slinging an arm around Brian's shoulders and ruffling his hair with the other hand.

Brian laughed as he extricated himself from Sully's hold and headed to his own room for bed. Sully tucked the covers more securely around his sleeping daughter, gently kissed her forehead, then headed for his and Michaela's room.

Sully noted as soon as he entered the room that Michaela's sleep was very restless. Her brow was creased, she was tossing nearly as much as her condition would allow, and occasionally a small moan escaped her lips. Making his was quickly to the side of the bed, he gently brushed her hair back from her sweat dampened brow.

"Michaela?" he questioned in what he knew was a futile attempt to get her attention. He slipped his hand beneath the covers and placed it gently over her rounded belly. What he felt made his heart jump into his throat. The muscles of her abdomen were contracting with rhythmic but still gentle insistence, yet she was too exhausted to acknowledge this phenomenon with wakefulness.

Knowing the inevitable was going to take place tonight, and knowing from previous experience with Katie just how long that inevitable took, Sully opted to join his wife in bed and hold her for the few hours he would still be able to before the labor pains came on too strong.

Slipping his hand from beneath the covers, Sully quickly shed his clothes and went around to the other side of the bed to carefully slide in next to Michaela. Her body was damp with sweat and she was still tossing. Carefully sliding up next to her, he wrapped a gentle arm around her, his hand going automatically to caress her now cramping abdomen.

As if sensing her husband's presence, and the comfort and shelter he was giving, Michaela attempted to roll over into his embrace, but just didn't quite have the energy to complete the task. Sully, sensing what she was wanting, immediately wrapped his arms gently but securely around her and rolled her with him. Now on his back, he carefully cushioned her swollen belly against his side and stomach, then positioned her as comfortably as he could against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. With one arm still around her back, he placed his other hand on her belly and prepared to wait out the night.....he didn't think he would sleep at all tonight.

Sully must have dozed, because he was awakened a few hours later by a tremendous gush of wetness against his leg. He nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise, and if it weren't for his enormous control, he would have jumped right out of the bed altogether, upsetting Michaela in the process. Giving his heart a minute to slow, he gently ran his hand from her face, as far down her body as he could reach....assessing. He felt quite clearly that the contractions had increased in intensity as well as frequency, and noting that Michaela has still not awoken, his concern grew.

"How can women sleep through this??!!!!", he thought in abstract panic. Gently setting Michaela away from him, and onto her back, he slipped quickly and quietly out of the bed and dressed hastily. He was torn between staying here with Michaela awhile longer, or heading out right away to get Dr. Cook. The decision was quickly taken from his hands.

"Sully!!!!!", Michaela screamed as a strong contraction gripped her body, bringing her nearly upright in bed, and into a state of wakefulness.

The scream sent Sully's heart into his throat, and sent him flying over to his wife's side.

"I'm here", he comforted gently, slipping supportive arms around her as her hands gripped his arms and dug in.

The contraction eased, and Michaela sank back into Sully's supportive arms, but there were now tears mingled with the sweat on Michaela's face as Sully quickly propped the pillows up against the headboard and rested Michaela back against them. The knock on the bedroom door nearly scared Sully out of his skin.

"Pa???! What's wrong?? I heard Ma everything ok?", Brian's questions were coming fast and furious, his voice breaking on adolescent maturity. In spite of himself, Sully grinned in sympathy, he remembered those days well.

"Your Ma is havin' the babies. Wrap Katie up warmly then you and Katie go on over to Grace and Robert E's. Send Robert E after Dr. Cook, ok?" Sully ordered, all the while his hands caressing Michaela in a vain attempt to ease her sobbing discomfort.

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