Online Bible Tools:
Blue Letter Bible (online KJV Bible and search/study tools)
Bible Gateway (lots of different versions to choose from) (you can view the Hebrew/Greek)
For good Creation sites, check out. . .
Answers in Genesis with Ken Ham
Center for Scientific Creation with Walter Brown
Counterfeit Revival, by Hank Hanegraaf. This book talks about the counterfeit revival taking place in Pensacola ("The Pensacola Outpouring"), Toronto ("The Toronto Blessing"), The Anaheim Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church, and all across the nation. This book may be purchased at your local Christian bookstore, or by calling toll-free: 1-888-700-0274.
Christianity in Crisis, by Hank Hanegraaf. This book talks about the Faith Movement and exposes the teachings of preachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Fred Price, Paul Crouch, etc. This book may be purchased at your local Christian bookstore, or by calling toll free: 1-888-700-0274.
Creating God in the Image of Man?, by Dr. Norman L. Geisler. This book talks about the new "open" view of God (neotheism). Neotheism teaches that God sometimes changes, and that He does not know all of the future. (Richard Rice, a Seventh-day Adventist, teaches this, along with many others who are non-Adventists).
Former Adventist Fellowship -- includes an online discussion forum!
"Avoiding the Snare of Seventh-day Adventism"
Ellen White DID claim to be a prophet!
Ellen White's "Inspired" Bigotry, Racism, and Discrimination!
Ellen White: Gnostic False Prophetess (NOTE: This page has been deleted, because it contained heresy that we believed shortly after leaving Adventism, which contradicted the Christian doctrine of the hypostatic union. However, it is true that Ellen White did teach gnosticism heresy.)
Ellen White: True or False Prophet?