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Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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This RingSurf Still grieving Net Ring
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This Made With Love Webring site is owned by
Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Our Babies Forever Index
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This Our Babies Forever Site is owned by
Tim and Nicole Dougherty.
~ As We Remember Our Babies ~
~ Our Babies Forever~

This In Memorial's Angel Hugs site
owned by Tim and Nicole Dougherty

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This Heaven's Babies site is owned by Tim and Nicole Dougherty. Want to join the Heaven's Babies Ring? Graphics (c) 1998 by Liz.

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Memories are ForEver webring next memory This Memories are ForEver Webring site is owned by
Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Gone But Not Forgotten Webring
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This Mommies on the Web Ring
site is owned by
Nicole Dougherty.

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This Tears In Heaven Webring
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Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Tears In Heaven


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God's Nursery in Heaven
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Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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This The Society of The Silver Rose WebRing site owned by Nicole Dougherty. [ Previous5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next5 Sites | RandomSite | ListSites

This Ring of Hope site is owned by

Tim and Nicole Dougherty.
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This Love Never Dies
site is owned by Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Place A Memorial In Our
Virtual Garden Of Love

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This The Golden Angel Webring site
owned by Tim and Nicole Dougherty.
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ThisMoms of Angels site owned byNicole Dougherty. Want to join theMoms of Angels?
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ThisInfanlos Family Webring site owned byTim and Nicole Dougherty. Want to join theInfanlos Family Webring?
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Our Little Angels WebRing

This Our Little Angels Ring site is owned by Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Our Little Angels Ring

Angels In My Heart Webring
site is owned by
Tim and Nicole Dougherty.

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Angels In My Heart Webring?
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These Precious Moment's graphic's are done by Cher, if you would like to have these for your homepage then please visit Cher's Sunflower Kid's site(Just click on the credit button above.) Please Do Not take them from this page.

You can find the graphic's here.
