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Dream Dictionary A-K



Abandonment dreams may follow separation or divorce.Understanding the dream helps you face and work through this period of your life.


If an accident happens to you in a dream,it may mean you wish to punish yourself for something you've done.If an accident happens to someone else,it may mean you secretly want something bad to happen to that person.


Angels in dreams are messengers from the unconscious,bringing something to conscious attention.They also represent your guardian angel,your conscience,or an answer to your prayers.


If you are traveling on an airplane,you may be feeling independent and confident-unless you have a fear of flying.Then the dream may be an expression of your fear.If you dream of a plane crash,it may mean that recently you hopes and plans "crashed".If you dream of flying in rough weather,it may mean that you are having a "rough ride" in life just now.


As a place of departure for foreign lands,an airport may symbolize a desire or need for a new departure in your personal or working life,a new venture or,indeed,adventure.


Animals present your primitive,physical and sexual side.Perhaps you are feeling unconscious urges and your dreams are trying to push them into your conscious life.


The antler is a symbol of male sexuality,or of male aggresiveness.


Does it feel like an executioner's axe? If so,the symbolism is of punishment and judgement.It may be that you are morally anxious about something you have done or intend to to.



A place for your favorite attitudes and ideas-something that holds emotions,hopes,and desires.A bag denotes secrecy,whatever its contents.


Baking a loaf or cake may be a symbol of pregnancy.


If you dream you're on a balcony,you may be feeling that you're being held outside the real building-and held back from achieving your goals and dreams.


You have financial matters and material things on your mind;also your investment of time,money,and resources in general.


Place to cleanse,release,let go of all that is no longer useful.Can also represent a need for privacy.


In your dream you have no place to go,no acceptable way to release your emotions,no way to get things out of your system.Your dream represents urgency in needing release of tears,forgiveness or other burdens.


In general,birds represent freedom and self-expression.If you dream about a bird's nest,the nest may represent your home.If you dream about birds leaving the nest,it may mean you're ready for more indepenence.


Blood represents your life force,energy,vitality.If you dream of bleeding,it may symbolize the heavy price you may be paying for your actions,or indicate you are pouring your very life into a project or person.When you analyze this dream,try to decide if it's worth the cost.


Any type of boat in your dream usually represents your journey of the "sea of life".If the sea is stormy,you may be facing some problems right now.If the sea is calm,you may be feeling that things are going smoothly in your life.


Books are a source of information,laws,history and ideas.An old book may mean out-of-date information or something that is passing out of your life:a new book may mean new beginnings.A phonebook is a means of locating old friends or getting help or information.


You are "crossing" from one stage of life to another.If you dream about a fallen bridge,it may mean a lost opportunity.


Connected to sexual attraction or sexual arousal.



A burning candle may express your awareness or fear of death or of growing old.


A car represents the ego,or whatever is the driving factor or energy in you life.This may be a desire to be successfull,rich or popular.If you're in the driver's seat,you feel in control of your life.If you are in a car crash,it may represent a recent failure or fear of failure.


If,in a dream you or someone or something else is in chains or in some other way tied up,the meaning is almost certainly that some part of your needs to be liberated,given freedom of action in your life.


Often this dream means something burried or supressed in your life.For example you may be feeling buried feelings toward an old friend you thought you have forgotten about.


You could be dreaming about your rights,your place in society,your position-or you could be sending yourself a dream message that you need more rest.


A city often stands for your relationship with the outside world.It might represent your school,synagogue,club,or team.


To be at the edge of a cliff is to be where earth meets both sky and sea.Sky is a symbol of consciousness/masculinity;sea is the unconscious/femininity.


The message is deadlines,running out of time.Clock dreams often occur when the dreamer or someone close is faced with serious or life-threatening illness.


Clothes repesent the way you perceive your image or role and the impression you want to make on other people.


Have you been disorientated? The compass probably indicates a need to take fresh bearings;to get your goals sorted out.



A dam in your dreams probably means there is some pent-up repressed emotion that needs to be unblocked.


Dancing represents gracefulness,freedom of movement and an uninhibited spirit.But if you dream of stepping on someone's feet,it's a warning to watch your step and to get yourself in harmony with those around you.


You're trying to uncover a trut in your life-or you are working hard to solve a problem.


Natural disasters,such as earthquakes or tornadoes,symbolize anxiety.These dreams usually occur as a result of injury,illness,grief,divorce or job loss.They represent the dreamer's fear of being unable to survive the crisis.


You are contemplating taking a chance in your life.You may be diving headlong into a new adventure or something for the first time.



Dreams signify an attempt to give the body spiritual nourishment.Overeating or not having enough to eat are symbols of need.


A dream of being embraced tells us,"There are people I can trust."



This dream tells us that we feel unprepared,that life's demands for maturity and success are too much for us.


Something is making you feel insecure at this stage of life (losing your footing) or afraid to surrender to sexual fellings an FALL in love.Or it may be that you have fallen below your expectations or those of others for you.


If you dream of your father or something who resembles him,he may be a stand-in for another authority figure in your life.


You are facing a barrier in your life or feeling closed in.


Fire is a symbol of purification, impulsiveness, temper (being "burned up"),or destruction. IF you are handling a fire in your dream,it may be a reference to handling a "hot" situation when you're awake. If you are threatened by fire,it means vulnerability and loss. Fire often stands for passion, anger,or any other strong emotion that can burn out of control.


Flowers convey loving thoughts, kindess, caring,and abundance. They are expressions of joy and healing. In a prophetic dream, they may be clues to time, so pay attention to whether the flowers in your dream are spring blossoms or belong to summer or autumn.


Visions of yourself soaring or flying usually reflect feelings of exhilaration or triumph. Flying dreams also indicate a readiness to act and make changes.You aren't worried about what others think-you fly in the face of convention.


You're onstage and and you draw a blank.You can't remember your lines.This is a dream about fear of success.Maybe the dream is telling us we need to study more and improv our skills.Or maybe it is telling us we need to develop a greater sense of self-worth.



Garbage symbolizes stuff that needs to be thrown out-in other words,rotten ideas.But don't-from garbage comes fertilizing power for change and new growth.


A place of beautiful feelings.A garden stands for your inner self.If yourdream garden is overtaken with weeds, you may feel you have some bad habits you need to work on.


Glasses can be a hint that you need to see the world better,or need a better understanding or clearer view, or need to take a better look at something. If you are wearing dark glasses in your dream, you are seeing the dark or negative side of things, not wanting to be seen, or hiding behind them.


A place where you can get all the food (or spiritual nourishment) you need. But if you are buying junk food, your drem may mean you are filling your mind with junk or predudices or ideas of little value.


The gym represents exercise, keeping in shape,perfecting your abilities. If you are doing gymnatics, you feel exuberant and liberated, a return to the freedom of childhood. If you are a spectator at the gym, you are taking a look at your lifestyle and evaluating it.



Hair symbolizes stength,vitality,and virility.Loose,flowing hair,represents freedom,while bound or braided hair signifies submission.


Dreaming of a hotel or motel suggests a temporary state-a phase you are going through.These are temporary resting places during spiritual or psychic transitions.


A house usually stands for yourself,with various rooms representig different aspects of your body or personality.If you dream you are wandering through a house and finding new rooms,it usually means you are in the process of discovering new parts of yourself you didn't know existed.


This signifies getting rid of old thought patterns,and making changes in your usual way of thinking and believing.


This signifies looking at new ideas that you like better than those you have now.Maybe you've outgrown some beliefs.There may be some mental growth taking place that you're not aware of yet.


THis signifies leaving behind old beliefs,concepts,prejudices,and limitations.


This indicates competition and aggression.Hunting dreams reflect striving for goals and the pursuit of material gain.



Ice is a symbol of a cold heart and a barrier between the conscious and unconscious.Ice,especially icicles,also stands for sexual repression.Your dream is a warning to melt down the barriers you have put up over the years.If you dream of a thaw,or melting ice,you are beginning to forgive yourself and others,and return to warmer emotions.


You are not able to accept something that's going on in your life-your gut instinct is to reject it.


If you dream that insects are attacking you,it may mean you're feeling "bugged" by nagging problems.If you are surroundd by insects,it may mean you're feeling small and insignificant-as small as an ant.



Where are you?Boxed in,limited,and needing to break out of whatever fear or belief that's pinning you down.



A solution to a problem,a key to success,a means of control and domination,but also the ability to lock away a secret.Lots of keys=lots of responsibiities.Lost or stolen keys=giving up control or losing an opprotunity.


On a simple level,a kiss is an expression of afffection,passion,and sexual attraction.It can also meam reconciliation-as in kiss and make up.


This is a place of emotional nourishment.


A knife is a tool designed to cut,sever,and separate,and in a dream means separation.A knife often shows up in nightmares when the dreamer is under the stress of a real-life separation,as in divorce or the end of a romance.

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Dream Dictionary L-Z


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