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Ruling planet : Uranus

Color : Turquoise

Gemstone : Aquamarine

Metal : Aluminium

Flower : Orchid


Aquarians have an original, idealistic streak and the more positively this is shown,the more fulfilled they will be.However, this originality must not become too idiosyncratic or perverse as others can then be at best embarrassed and at worst seriously annoyed. Aquarius is an air sign, and its inhabitants need air, both physically and metaphorically. They must realize how very stubborn they can be and should try to counter the tendency. When young, they are usually leaders of their generation, but sometimes they continue to cling to youthful opinions, so that was once a slendidly forward-looking nature becomes ultra-conservative. Positive and optimistic even when life gets difficult, Aquarians rarely lose hope, and their natural humanity always reminds them that many others are less fortunate. Their chief fault is usually unpredictability, but their independence can also make them very remote, causing emotional problems.


  • Friendly and humanitarian

  • Honest and loyal

  • Original and inventive

  • Intractable and contrary

  • Perverse and unpredictable

  • Unemotional and detached


The circulation can be vulnerable.Aquarians are often at their best in cold weather, like Capricorns, usually enjoy it,but they should keep warm, wearing light but windproof clothes which won't restrict their movements. Regular exercise should be creative rather than dull or repetitive. Like all signs,Aquarians thrive best on a light,nourishing diet. The ankles are ruled by this sign and can be vulnerable; exercises to strengthen them,perhaps shoes with good ankle support, are disireable,especially if skiing or winter sports are enjoyed.


Of all the sun signs, Aquarians can find it most difficult to settle into and sustain a close emotional relationship. Their powerful need for independence makes it particularly hard for them to let others into their lives, for they realize this will mean modifying their lifestyles and tolerating an invasion of their living space. They often decline to enter into a relationship until they are so set in their ways that it seems impossible, so remain permanently single. Even so,there is a strongly romantic streak in many Aquarians, who like the glamor of romance, and once committed are-like their Capricorn cousins-very loyal.

"From Parkers' Astrology"

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