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Ruling planet : Mars

Color : Red

Gemstone : Diamond

Metal : Iron

Flower : Honeysuckle,Thistle


Deep resources of determination help Arians when reacting to challenge, although a tendency to rush in regardless can cause problems. Observing these sometimes overquick reactions, one reflects that some Arians learn te hard way. Achievement is vital, if it is lacking, either in the career or an all important hobby, Arians can become physically or psychologically sick and extremely hard to live with. This is often of their worst Arian fault, selfishness,which is almost certain to appear to some extend during every Arian's life.


  • Adventurous and energetic

  • Pioneering and courageous

  • Enthusiastic and confindent

  • Selfish and quick-tempered

  • Impulsive and impatient

  • Foolhardy and daredevil


Arians need plenty of exercise to keep their systems in good condition. This is neccessary for everyone, of course, but for Arians it is a vital as breathing. They will, in general,be so enthusiastic that you may have to remind them to modify exercise routines, and sporting interests as time passes, if their systems are not to be overstrained. The head is vulnerable; a tendency to knock and bump the head when young will probably result in early visits from the Tooth Fairy. Arian's natural tendency to rush about carelessly may result in cuts, bruises and even minor burns.Arians enjoy spicy food, but it is not usually good for them.They have hearty appetites,and thrive on tradition, rather then elaborate, dishes.


Arians are extremely passionate. Just as they need fulfillment at work and at play,so they also need it sexually-probably more so than most other people. Their partners must be lively and capable of reacting weel to the crackling flash of Arian sparks (fire is the sign's element); joyous sexual romps with a permanent partner should not only be the prerogotive of Arian's youth, but also middle and old age, otherwise both they and their partner will suffer.

"From Parkers' Astrology"

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