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Rulng planet : Saturn

Color : Dark grey,black

Gemstone : Turquoise,Amethyst

Metal : Silver

Flower : Ivy,Pansy


Both types of Capricorn are conventional and sometimes even slaves to convention; they want always to be seen to do "the right thing". Both have a splendidly off beat sense of humor, vividly contrasting with a strong tendency to grumble. Both are prudent and methodical. Sometimes the successful Capricorn achievers suffer a lack of confidence, while te less confident and successful may snap out of their nagativity and make themselves enjoy life in a remarkably lighthearted way. One of the most endearing characteristics is the dour sense of humor already mentioned; even at their most serious and formal, this can suddenly erupt. Patience is one of their virtues, as is insight, but the less self-confident may not believe this and should be persuaded to develop the ability and rely on it in long-term panning.


  • Practical and prudent
  • Ambitious and disciplined
  • Patient and careful
  • Humorous and reserved
  • Pessimistic and fatalistic
  • Miserly and grudging
  • Overconventional and rigid


Capricorns are on the whole very sensible about their diets, recogizing the drawbacks of self-indugence, but they should perhaps watch their calcium levels. Perhaps the most important advice one can give them is to keep moving, for many spend long hours behind a desk and can easily develop stiffness in the joints, leading to arthritic conditions.They must take particular care of their knee-joints. Teeth and skin are also concerns of this sign and need special care.


Capricorns abhor starting married life in a garret and may postpone emotional commitment until they are firmly established in a career-perhaps quite late in life. They may then choose someone who is a parent figure, or at least commands admiration and respect. They can also marry for money or social staus. They have a rather low emotional level and may find it hard to show their true feelings, especially in intimate relationships. They should realize this,and accept that very oftn their partners need reassurance that they are still loved, especially if the Capricorn is much involved with a career and time at home is at a premium.

"From Parkers' Astrology"

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