ASSOCIATION OF PISCES Ruling planet : Neptune Color : Soft sea-green Gemstone : Moonstone Metal : Platinium Flower : Waterlily BASIC PERSONALITY It is often very difficult for Pisceans to learn to face reality; stronger,caring people should encourage them to do so at every opportunity. The belief that "whatever will be,will be" can become a veritable trap for them, in the worst cases resulting in complete inaction. Taking te line of least resistance, and deceiving themselves because they don't want to face up to harsh reality, are major faults. The colorful Piscean imagination, creatively and positively expressed,is an enormous asset, but Pisceans must learn not to allow their imagination to work negatively, magnifying small problems into major ones. The negative Piscean characteristics will then take over.Traditionally, Pisces is known as the poet of zodiac, but take this in the broadest sense-it applies to the creative use of the imagination in any area of life. Sun sign Pisceans should strive to develop minds of their own,thus avoiding evasion and indecision whenever major decisions must be made. TRADITIONAL TRAITS OF PISCES
HEALTH,DIET AND EXERCISE Pisceans easily pick up vibrations in the atmosphere around them so can be physically affected by such things as an unkind word, world disasters,rows or even depressing weather. This sensitivity can very easily disturb the Piscean constitution, upsetting their stomachs or causing headaches. Being aware of this may not stop the problem, but at least it will set their minds at rest whenever they are laid low by what are really emotional-based ailments. This sensitivity to atmosphere also means they can comfort themselves by eating or drinking too much,and they are particularly susceptible to nicotine. PARTNERSHIP Piscean emotion is readily poured into an emotional partnership, and loved ones may even be overwhelmed with affection. Provided their emotions are kept under control, Pisceans can bring something very special to a partnership but their feelings are always very close to the surface, and surprisingly trivial matters can sometimes trigger a scene. Romantic and sentimental, when they fall in love Pisceans wear permanent rose-colored glasses; they will only dispense with them as the result of bitter experience,when the partner's faults are ruthlessly exposed. Not overly passionate, their romantic view of sex can be tenderly and handsomely expressed. "From Parkers' Astrology"