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Making Sense Of Your Dreams

You don't have to analyze your dreams for them to help you. The mere fact that you dream is good for you, and keeps your life balanced. In experiments,people who are constantly waked up when they are dreaming develop serious psychological problems. We need to dream, whether we study our dreams or not.

Richer Understanding Of Life

But many people find that figuring out the meaning of their dreams gives them a richer understanding of their lives. Your dreams can tell you what you're really feeling about your mate, your job, your parents,your past, and what you really want to happen to you in the future. And the more you practice, the better you'll become. If you dream about a collapsing building or a sinking lifeboat, you'll figure out pretty fast where your anxieties lie. Perhaps you'll even get to work on updating your resume. The most important thing to keep in mind is this : YOU are the best person to understand your own dreams.

Your Dream Journal

The first step toward understanding your dreams it to write them down-keep a dream journal. By writing your dreams down and making a regular effort to remember them, you'll start to recall more details. You'll be surprised at how good you get at remembering dreams if you follow this routine.

Start out each dream by writing down the date you had the dream. Give each dream a title so you can easily find it again.

Write down the dream in as much detail as possible-how it made you feel, who was in it, colors, smell, night, day-any details. Write in the present tense, not in past tense. This keeps the story flowing.Don't worry about the grammar, spelling and punctuation-this is for you,not for some teacher.

Going Over Your Dream

Now,suppose you wake up and you remember that yo dreamed something about a car. Try to recall as many details as you can, and any feeling you had in the dream. The Dream interpretation Page tells you that a car is a symbol of your body. And that it could be connected to your self-image, your personlity, your freedom to come and go, your drive for success. Ask yourself some questions about the dream:-Was your car mashed or dented? This could be a symbol of poor self-esteem or poor health. Are you in the driver's seat? The person driving the car is in control of your life. If you dream that your mother-in-law is driving your car, think about your family dynamics.

Remembering Your Dreams

Sometimes it's easy to remember a dream, if it was a very powerful one or a very happy one. Sometimes it's difficult, especially if you jump right out of bed into the day's routine. Here are some tips on improving your dream recall.

Tell yourself several times during the day that you intend to remember your dream. Then, just before you go to sleep, when you are relaxed,tell yourself "I will remember my dreams when I wake up in the morning".

Keep your dream journal next to the bed. Just knowing it's there will help.

Drink a glass of water before retiring. Avoid alcohol and drugs-they suppress REM sleep.

When Morning Comes

Don't move! Don't open your eyes! Lie still for a moment and concentrate on recalling your dream. Try to remember how it felt. The mood of the dream may still be with you. Ask yourself who was in your dream. Did the people remind you of anyone? Bear in mind that things in a dream can often be disguised, and a person in your dream may not neccessarily be that person in reality.

Questions To Ask Yourself

Ask yourself where the dream too place. Did the place remind yo of any particular place you're familiar with? Ask yourself if anything in the dreams reminds you of something in your real life. As time goes on,you will get better and better at this process.

Good Luck !

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