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Robert's Story

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This site is for my pen-pal Robert, who is on death row in Livingston, Tx. I've started writing him about 7 months ago after I came across the CCADP Website. (Canadian Coaltion Against The Death Penalty). The more I read about life on death row, the more I felt that I had to do something. That's when I came across the CCADP pen-pal list. I've never heard of such thing-I didn't know death row inmates were able to get their name listed on the internet.

I was surprised how many were seeking pen-pals, there must have been hundreds, if not thousands. I believe I read through almost all of them and decided to write to some of the inmates. I know most people would say " How can you write to someone on death row, you know they must have killed someone, or they wouldn't be there !" Well, first of all, there are many innocent people on death row-wrongfully accused of the ultimate crime. And second, I'm totally against capital punishment!

Maybe because I live in europe, and we abbolished the death penalty in 1949. Or maybe just because it's wrong! I do believe in god, but I'm not extremely religious. It's my belief that everyone will have to pay for their sins one day -we will be judged. But it should not be up to a judge and the jury to sentence anyone to death! An execution is nothing else than 'legalized murder'.

Robert asked me awhile ago if I could include some of his writings and drawing on my website, I agreed without hesistating. I'm doing this because I want people to see that just because they're on death row, they're no animals. Robert for instance is extremely smart, he was gonna be a computer programmer before he went to prison. I really enjoy communicating with him. I'm always amazed how positive he is. I think I'd be terribly depressed if I was in his shoes. I believe he is depressed sometimes but he tries really hard to stay positive about things or he'd lose his mind!

Original drawings by Robert Shields

*Read about life on death row-in Robert's own words*

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