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Ruling planet : Jupiter

Color : Dark blue,purple

Gemstone : Topaz

Metal : Tin

Flower : Carnation,Dandelion


Natural excitement and enthusiasm can feed the innate Sagittarian tendency to take risks, which can become real foolhardiness, especially when young. Developing their inherent intellectual powers will enable these people to avoid unneccessary risks. They shold also cultivate a more philosophical outlook. If their natural exuberance isn't controlled it will become boisterous.T heir enjoyment of life and sense of humor are charming but can sometimes get out of hand-they should remember that practical jokes are rarely funny for their victims. One of the dual signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius gives versatility which may contribute to the Sagittarian tendency to move too quickly from one task to another, or to in involved in too many things at once. Greater satisfaction will come from steadily workng through one project towards the next, which after all, they can ensure is as different as possible.


  • Optimistic and freedom-loving
  • Jovial and good-humored
  • Honest and straightforward
  • Intellectual and philosophical

  • Blindly optimisic and careless
  • Irresponsible and superficial
  • Tactless and restless

    A love of hearty food and drink means that biliousness is highly likey if the diet isn't watched carefully. The daredevil trait found in most Sagittarians suggests that the interest in sports may result in slight accidents: pulled muscles, for instance, are common, especially hamstrings and thigh muscles. Any form of sporting activity is usually welcome, but if there is no interest whatsoever in sport,they must take sufficient exercise in some other way, for they will almost certainly be intellectuals whose minds need to be relaxed,probably with the help of some moderate physical fatigue.


    No true Sagittarian can cope with claustrophobic conditions, particularly within personal relationships. A possessive, suspicious or jealous partner will not last long: their independent spirits won't tolerate any restictions on personal freedom. Sex is greeted with customary Sagittarian enthusiasm and exuberance: when they are very young,a possible partner's sexual attractions can be irresistible. With experience,they will look for other qualities: someone whose intelligence at least matches their own, and with whom they can be friends as well as lovers.

    "From Parkers' Astrology"

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