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Ruling planet : Venus

Color : Pink

Gemstone : Emerald

Metal : Copper

Flower : Rose,Poppy


Possessiveness, shown in any areas of life, is indeed the worst Taurean fault. Sadly,the partner can often become just another well-guarded possession-loved and admired, certainly, but stubbornly regarded as the property of an owern, rather than a free agent. The Taurean mind works methodically, carefully and decisively. Perhaps the most marked potential is for the steady building of a life and career. Short cuts are not for these people, and should be avoided.One of their most endearing characteristics is natural charm, expressed in a variety of ways. For instance, Taureans usually have soft, gentle voices, and always seem able to find the time to listen to and encourage anyone who needs help. Their shoulders are always available to those who wish to cry on them, but they are also very good at offering practical advise.


  • Patient and reliable
  • Persistent and determined
  • Warm-hearted and loving
  • Placid and security-loving
  • Jealous and possessive
  • Resentful and inflexible
  • Self-indulgent and greedy

Taureans love their food, so can put on weight very easily. Members of this sign are reputed to be extremely good-looking, but too much extra weight does nothing for their figures. A reasonable diet is essential, but not always easy for them. Long hours at the office desk, business lunches and an ever-growing appreciation of good wines will not help their waistlines. Heavy exercise is no problem; many young Taureans enjoy team games, and some enjoy weight training. They tend to move slowly; aerobics or dancing will help them to speed up a little,as will brisk country walks, which will be more aesthetically rewarding.


Taurus is ruled by Venus, so a successesful partnership is above-averge importance; like their Libran cousins, Taureans need peace and harmony in their relatioship. Emotional security is vital, and any threat to it may cause serious damage, making the Taurean emotions get out of hand, and the possessiveness, which will certainly be present on some level of the personality, may turn into obsessive jealousy. When there is tension in the home, normal placidity may be shaken by sudden flares of temper. Under normal circumstances, however, Taureans are extremely loving and kind, eager to express their affection generously and abundantly.

"From Parkers' Astrology"

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