ASSOCIATION OF VIRGO Ruling planet : Mercury Color : Navy blue Gemstone : Sardonyx Metal : Mercury,nickel Flower : Forget-me-not,Buttercup BASIC PERSONALITY Most Virgoans are practical, but those who aren't can all too esily become bogged own in the small details of problems. This, indeed, is one of their chief difficulties; that their critical acumen can be overapplied,both to themselves and to other people, causing problems in personal relationships. Relentless,carping criticism is their worst fault. What is needed is a positive synthesis of these qualities, producing people who are hard-working and practical, and who will stand no nonsense, deal sensibly with problems, and are most likely to realize their full potential. Virgoans are talkative, lively in argument and, like their Mercury-ruled cousins Geminians, enjoy communicating their ideas, which are usually without frills,and clearly and economically expressed. Here again, however, a penchant for detail can trap them into overelaboration; they must learn to see the broader outline of things. TRADITIONAL TRAITS OF VIRGO
It is essential for Virgoans to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and, if possible, in the country. Children of nature, their spirits are revived by long walks and cycle rides. This is also a sign much related to wholefood and vegetarianism. The Virgoan diet must contain plenty of fiber; this Sun sign rules the bowels,and constipation can cause problems, usually because of an unbalanced diet. Medically administered drugs don't suit many Virgoans, and they should always watch carefully for an allergy. Holistic and homeopathic treatments are often favored, with excellent results. Balance,is the best answer to Virgoans health problems, plus exercise and fresh air; it is a mistake to sacrifice these for family or work. PARTNERSHIP Self-denigration can often get in the way when a Virgoan is thinking of deepening a personal relationship; "What does he/she see in me ?-I'm not good enough for him/her. "This can be genuine modesty, which can be charming-but more often the problem is deeper, and Virgoans should strive for the self-confidence which will allow them to accept compliments gracefully, and to believe them.Kind and willing to do anything for their partners, their natural modesty can stop them fully expressing both their physical and emotional love. They must learn to relax, and if they have taught themselves to regard sex with suspicion, learn to see it as a happy expression of that emotional devotion which they should allow themselves to show to a partner. "From Parkers' Astrology"