Nina gets ready to approach the defeated trainer when Ash suddenly drops
Pikachu. As the Pokemon lands on the ground, the female trainer notices that the electric
type has turned back into a Black Pokemon. All of a sudden, it feels as if Avery is on fire
causing Nina to drop her own Pokemon. Something mentally hits Skripter, as the trainer
turns back to see Magik changing into a Black Pokemon like the rest.
Ash reaches over to pick his Pokemon back up asking, “What’s the matter,
Pikachu?” The trainer’s hand is hit by a spark from Pikachu’s aura nearly burning it clean
Nina looks desperately to Skripter questioning, “What’s wrong with them?” All
the while, the Black Pokemon power-up more and more, burning their auras at an
incredible rate.
The older trainer kneels in front of his Katsumi asking, “Magik. What is it?”
The Black Pokemon holds its head firm while barely muttering, “Too Much At
Once! Can’t Control It! It’s Eating Me Up From The Inside Out!”
All three Pokemon howl in pain when their auras extinguish. The Black power
that filled their bodies billows out of them as jet black smoke.
Ash is the first to grab his Pokemon asking, “Pikachu! Are you okay?”
Nina picks up Avery too, turning back to see if Magik is fine as well. The
Katsumi is slumped lifeless on the ground, and Skripter is still petrified like he were still
seeing Magik power-up.
“Uh... Skripter. Is Magik okay? What’s wrong?” the female trainer queries.
Still staring into space, the trainer replies, “It’s so immense! Can’t you feel it?”
Nina eyes grow wide as she senses the new evil presence. Both trainers look up
to see that the cloud that flowed out of their Pokemon has materialized into some kind of
flying fiend.
The beast has a human like structure, but it is covered with black feathers, its
head is that of a bird, its hands and feet bear talons, and it has huge wings. The dark robe
it wears flaps in the wind brought on by its large wings, and black Crobat flow all around
him. The monster glares down at all the trainers and Pokemon with searing white eyes.
“What is that?” Nina hardly manages to say.