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Thief PK

Bauer's View

This log is very short. Dumb Erni logged on and was murder flagged. I ran to Kalaman but he was gone. Got his location, went to him, log says rest. Thanks for returning Kimansque's eq lost night before.
Bauer's View

I was on doing cash runs, when I noticed 1 evil Fury member online. I got his location and quickly put the fool out of his misery.
Gim's View

Ernest and I decided a little friendly duel to v. bad. Gim was mostly naked, and in bad form. Ernest still spanked me, and he was the decided winner.
Gim's View

Recca was known multi of some evil pkiller(which I can't remember at time of posting this log). Right after Recca dies, Gen(mid thief?) shows up. I beileve Gen was multi or friend of Recca's.
Salah's View

Benson kept attacking my friends, and pretty much anyone who had any eq better than him. I decided time to kill him, AGAIN!
Gim's View

Melina thought she would be safe resting with a mob who was agressive to evils & goods alike. Too bad she didn't expect a neutral thief to show up.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Rahlix. I had noticed Rahlix in the past with good eq. He seemed to be a neutral, so I decided to wack him. Afterwards, I learned he was Strathaar. He had time to recall, but he fled instead, so he died in the end.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Kyros. Some friends informed me that a Maza tank was sitting in the Solace inn. I quickly ran there to taunt him, thinking he would not attack if I cased him. He learned why 1 solo tank should not try to kill 1 solo thief.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Adepali. Adepali was a Maza leader. I made it a point to hunt him every time I saw him logged on. He was too fast for my triggers, but I shortly catch up to him resting in a zone.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Boro. Boro did a lot of random killing on newbies and friends of mine. He was highlighted, and just happened to be doing Solamnic Outpost at the same time that I was on my way there. Too bad for him.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Moulaxedin. I had just logged on after about 3 weeks of break from Arctic. I was mostly naked except for an autosneak, slender runed spear, and shard of obsidian. I walked out of the inn, and some old triggers I had loaded went off. Moulaxedin was a Maza paladin who was in Gulf Port to kill Renegade Legion. If you notice, he used his lay after he fled one time, but in the end I killed him with under 30 HP left.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Anastasia. I was wandering around Fyzian Village one day, when I happened upon a neutral looking druid with some neat looking items. I quickly killed this druid and was in the process of looting him when Anastasia suddenly attempted to kill me. Turns out that Anastasia was this druids thief, looking for some revenge. I called in Kroshka to get me his location, and quickly ended the life of the would be assassin. Notice the nice load.
Arttuk's View

Tammer & Friends vs. Mythal & Friends. Mythal was talking a lot of crap to me and I had flags on him. I attacked him when he was alone, but it turns out he was hasted. He got me down under 50 HP and I recalled. Friends informed me he had a group and was heading my way. Ahma had also formed a group to kill him, so I joined for the kill. Notice the entry stab I got on their healer, and the entry hold on Mythal, sealing the fate of the evil group. 2 days later Wild killed Tammer for grouping with Ahma for this pkill.
Moloke's View

Moloke vs. Skatias & Dionysous. I was hanging out in Kalaman one day, when I spotted 2 Maza's, 1 basher & 1 mage, just standing outside the inn. They didn't seem to be moving at all, so figuring they were trying to kill me, I initiated some trash talking. They came after me, and I layed the smack down.