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Prophecy Is

In 1997, a female White Buffalo, named Miracle Moon, was born. Her birth fulfills a prophecy more than 2,000 years old. Since then two additional white buffalos have been born; Rainbow Spirit and Mandella Peace Pilgrim. "When a white buffalo is born, the Earth will start replensihing itself again, and all the tribes, races and religions of mankind will come together as one."

The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman Lakota Legend says that at the end of time there would be five years of increasing disasters and crises which would be followed by an era of peace. White Buffalo Calf Woman said she would return one day to mark the beginning of the five years of trouble, and to bring healing to the earth. White Buffalo Calf Woman has returned.

All three female white buffalos have pure bison blood. "You can mix a buffalo with a cow or elk and come up with a white buffalo, but these are the only three on the planet that have been DNA-tested to be 100 percent bison."

Miracle Moon's birth date is April 30, 1997. April 30 is also the birthday of Arvol Looking Horse, who is the current pipe keeper and has been handed down the peace pipe from 19 generaations. The ecumenical peace pipe is perhaps the most sacred ceremonial object to the American Indians. It is this legend from which all Indians derive their understanding of the peace pipe.

She was born 18 miles west of Belle Fourche, South Dakota, which is known as the Center of the Nation.

Miracle Moon has four colors; she has a fall color of yellow, a winter color of white, and a mouse color in summer. Red appears when she sheds and she has always had a white undercoating. She is absolutely beautiful. The Prophecy tells us that all colors will be united in one. Miracle Moon and her daughters are it's perfect symbol.

To learn more about the White Buffalos, visit their website

The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman Lakota Legend says nineteen generations ago, during a time of famine, a Lakota Indian brave was outside his camp when he met a beautiful maiden carrying a bundle. The maiden asked to be taken into the camp to speak with the chief. Her voice was like music. In the chief's teepee she provided him with the bundle, the peace pipe which was inside the bundle, --and a prophecy. She told them of how to live and survive from the buffalo. As she set forth the purpose of the peace pipe, she described it as the way in which the Indians should pray, for in the smoke their prayers would ascend. She described the different components of the pipe in clearly New-Age terms, referring to the red earthen bowl of the pipe as symbolic of "Mother and Grandmother Earth, which is Sacred;" the buffalo carving on the bowl was symbolic of all "the four leggeds" on mother earth; the wooden stem is symbolic of plants on mother earth; the twelve feathers symbolized "the wingeds" of the earth; and she stated, "all these peoples (four leggeds and wingeds) are joined to you who smoke the pipe (packed with dried buffalo chips). All send their voice to the Great Spirit. When you pray with this pipe you pray for everything." She told them how to survive and pray for the use of the buffalo. And most importantly how to take care of Mother Earth.

She then prophecied that at the end of time there would be five years of increasing disasters and crises which would be followed by an era of peace. She said she would return one day to mark the beginning of the five years of trouble, and to bring healing to the earth. During this five years the Indians were to seek to come into peace, balance & harmony and unity with the other religions of the world, in spite of the great crisis. ( In this sense the peace pipe is more accurately the ecumenical pipe.)

After leaving the gifts and the prophecy she left the tribe, and as she turned to say farewell she changed into a white buffalo. She then walked 200 yards and rolled over and changed into a red buffalo, then rolled over and changed into a black buffalo, and then rolled over and changed into a yellow buffalo. (These colors symbolize the different tribes of mankind, our race colors.) According to the prophecy, when the white buffalo was born she would go through the same color changes as did the white buffalo prophecies which brought the peace pipe message. The prophecy also stated that the white buffalo would be born to white people in the center of the United States, and the bull would have to give his life for her.

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