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The Gardens

Well as you've gotten this far I suppose I had better tell you about a few of my friends.
As far as I know Ben is classifiable as 'Human' but we aren't too sure of that the best way to describe him is as a 14th or 15th Generation Malkavian who can walk in daylight, eat and not have to drink blood, this should be easy enough to understand for those Vampire fans out there.
Blue Phoenix is a good frind of mine who has taught me all I know about Rune Lore and is currently living with me in a house of our own (I hate Councils!).
Thalyi Wolfe, sorry if I haven't spelt it correctly. Now heres an interesting fellow, he is a 'Furry', a great fan of Anime and a trustworthy friend.

To find out about each of these people go to their respective areas:

Garden Sections

The Bird House - Blue Phoenix
The Zoo (Asylum) - Ben
The Kennels - Thalyi Wolfe
Back indoors where its reasonably safe, yeah right!!!!!