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Welcome back to my academy.

21/01/02: So yet again I'm back. after such a while, I'm suprised anyone comes here to look at the site. But to those that do, my thanks go to you! OK as I've got a bit more access to the web, I should be able to work on this more often, if all goes well. By the way, for those of you who were going crazy watching the graphics on this page, congrats they're gone for now. They were driving me crazy.

10/12/01: I'm back again, sorry for the wait, but I've just got access to the Internet sporadically and that doesn't help. I'm trying to add as much as I can as soon as possible, and hopefully fix all the problems on the site soon enough. God am I hopeful or what.
The links below aren't all working yet.
Sorry for any inconveniences.
Kenicii is my Kyrii, a neopet, if you are curious go to the site and see it, its not much at present, only 1 page (all it looks to be at this time). If it interests you go and look at the main website:


The North Tower will be home to Lucy, my inner demon. As I said, don't ask. She's still young but has been introduced to Prude Ray, another section of my personality who's gained a life of his own.

Kolat Ray

my current email address is:

Last Modified on the: 10/12/01 at 17:01pm Greenwich Mean Time.

The Official Faeries Guild Neocircle. Get a free item for joining the guild. Get a promotion for joining the circle!
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Map of the Academy

The Main Hall - Info about the site
East Wing - RPG's
West Wing - CCG's
The Library - stuff
The Gallery - Gallery Pages
North Tower - Lucy
Basement - Diablo and Diablo II
The Dark Tower - Personal Page
The Onsen - Ryoko Area
The Gardens - Friends info
Kenicii my Kyrii Neopet
The Portals - Links